Chapter 7: Thirtythree

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"That's time, people. Please place your pencil down on the table in front of you and stay seated. I will collect the tests before you are allowed to leave."

A series of groans erupted from various parts of the room. Meredith looked up; she had just started the second review of her answers. Dutifully placing her pencil down on the table, she sighed, grateful the test was finished. Overall she was confident with her answers, but only time would tell. She passed her test papers to the proctor as he walked by. After he passed by, she met eyes with George, who offered her a shrug and a wry smile. She returned the smile, revelling in the feeling of being done. No more studying and stress, she couldn't change what had happened now. A sudden swell of gratitude towards Derek hit her. That he knew her enough to stop her from studying in order to calm her down...

"Okay, people, you can go."

Meredith filed out of the room, only to be pulled out of the line as she tried to walk by.

"How did it go? Did it go okay? Did you know the answer to thirty-three, cause I wasn't sure. First I thought A for sure, but then when I went back, I thought maybe C. I'm not sure. Do you know?"

Meredith had to laugh at her best friend's antics. "Cristina, I have no idea what you're talking about."

Christa gave her an incredulous stare as they made they're way out of the testing room, bumping into their three fellow interns. "How could you not know?"

"Know what?" Izzy asked.

Cristina rolled her eyes. "The answer to thirty-three."

Izzy nodded. "The nephrology question? I wasn't sure either. I chose A."

"Damn," Cristina muttered. "I was thinking A, but then I changed to C."

Izzy thought for a moment, and then she nodded. "You may be right, Cristina. It definitely could have been C." George and Alex nodded their agreement. They turned to Meredith.

She shook her head. "I still don't know which question you're talking about. There was more than one neph question."

"She didn't have trouble with thirty-three?" Alex asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Evidently not," Cristina replied.

"Oh, well then," Izzy said. "We shouldn't be seen speaking to her."

"Exactly what I was thinking," said Alex with a smirk towards Meredith that told her he, along with her, had no idea what question they were talking about, but he was going along with it anyway. She shook her head at him and he quirked his eyebrows in response.

They turned to go.

"Hey, this so isn't fair," Meredith called. "Come on guys. Seriously? Cristina!"

Cristina turned to her person, a glint in her eyes. "I'm sorry Mer, but I have a wedding to prepare for."

"And I suppose that in preparation you still expect me to throw your bachelorette party?"

Cristina only nodded. "Of course. I'll see you at seven. Come on, guys," she added to the rest of the group, who turned to follow her down the hall.

"Cristina!" She called, but to no response. "Izzy! Alex!" Izzy glanced at her with a laughing smile and Alex simply raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "George!"

George paused and turned to face her. "Apparently we're not talking to you, Mer." He shrugged. "Sorry." And with that he turned and hurried to catch up.

Meredith laughed. "You guys suck!" She called after them. Her friends definitely had their quirks, but she wouldn't have it any other way. She glanced at her watch, wondering if Derek was still in surgery. It had only been scheduled to start two hours ago, so he must still be there. She headed towards the gallery.

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