Chapter 19: Lots to deal with

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The elevator door dinged, announcing its arrival at the floor before the doors opened to reveal its occupants. Derek snapped his head up from the chart resting on the nurse's station, only to be disappointed yet again. A number of young, nervous doctors stumbled off together, travelling as if in a flock towards the intern locker room. He sighed, turning his attention back to his chart. He had been in for over an hour, and had already rounded on his patients. He was just making notes on his only scheduled surgery for the day.

The elevator dinged again, and again Derek lurched his attention towards it. A very determined Dr. Bailey stepped off, striding across the floor.

"Morning, Dr. Shepherd," she said as she passed him, barely slowing.

"Dr. Bailey," he greeted, although doubted she had heard him. Ever since she had been passed over for Chief Resident, the Nazi had been back in action. Cold, demanding, always on the run. She wasn't going to let anyone or anything get in her way. Derek shook his head, feeling bad or her. She had to be hurt and embarrassed. She had obviously expected the job and, in his mind, she deserved it.

Another ding and another elevator load of people who weren't Meredith filed past him. Her flight home the night before had been delayed. She was supposed to have landed over an hour ago, giving her and Cristina just enough time to go home, drop off their bags and head to the hospital. But they hadn't shown up yet. He checked his cell for missed calls, even though he knew he wouldn't have any. He had been paying extra attention to listen for his ring tone. He hadn't seen her in two weeks, you'd think an extra couple hours wouldn't make that big a difference. But he was dying to see her, to hug her, to kiss her. It had been too long.

He had spent the last week buried in paperwork, catching up on ever last thing he could possibly do. He had barely left the hospital, returning home late every night and leaving early every morning. Alex had gone away for his two weeks off, returning the day before, obviously unhappy. And Izzy...well Derek wasn't sure what was wrong with his girlfriend's roommate. She had been basically alone for two weeks, save for his presence in the house, and had done more baking then he had thought possible. She was obviously depressed and upset, and yet he still couldn't bring himself to ask her what was wrong, to attempt to comfort her. He still didn't know where he stood in her life. So, his solution on trying to help her had been accepting her offers on baked goods. Her many, many offers.

He had had more muffins and cookies and cupcakes in the last week than he had probably ever had in his life. And although he had to admit they were delicious, he had a limit. He felt like he had gained ten pounds. But he couldn't say no. After giving in to her sad face one day when he was feeling vulnerable, he couldn't refuse her. And it seemed to make her happy, having someone to bake for. He needed Meredith back to act as a buffer. He needed her.

He felt a presence beside him and turned to find George staring hesitantly at him.

"Dr. O'Malley, what can I do for you?"

George stumbled slightly before speaking. "Dr. Shepherd, have you seen Dr. Grey?"

Derek raised an eyebrow at the younger doctor's formal tone, but said nothing to mention it. "No, I haven't. She and Dr. Yang should be here any moment. Their flight was delayed." He offered as explanation.

George looked disappointed. "Oh, okay, thank-you. Will you just...tell her I really need to talk to her?"

"Of course," he said, and then inwardly sighed. "Is everything okay?" He asked in a much less formal voice.

The younger man hesitated. "Yeah, everything's fine," he said flatly. "I just...well...Meredith is my resident."

"Your resident?" Derek asked, confused, before realization dawned. He hadn't actually read the list of interns who would be continuing as residents. "Oh." He stated.

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