☽ 25 ☾

607 14 2

Author's Note: I am sad to say this, but this may be the last chapter till I have a chance to update again. I'll be letting you all know if there will be a chapter this next friday or not on my profile here. I'm in graduate school and I have a job, so my life gives me little time to do things for myself on top of I'm too exhausted to write half the time. I'll continue to write this story, though, but it will be much slower updates now. I wrote up an outline of what this story will be and we are on 25/34 (and of course this doesn't count the ~5 drabbles I planned on adding on at the end like I did with Howl). These last ten chapters are filled with so many more plot twists and turns and revelations. Again, thank you to everyone for commenting on the last chapter (I so enjoy reading your thoughts on whats going to happen next and/or what you thought of the chapter). 

Colby sat with Sam in his car, placed strategically outside the massive abandoned asylum that still gave the Alpha the creeps all these years later. The building was boarded up and the fence had been replaced with barbed wire tipped hurricane fencing that made Colby shudder. Clearly, since the last time Sam and he were here, the security updated around this place. It made him wonder if it was easier now for the police to arrive, but Colby just hoped that they wouldn't trip anything once inside. This all just made the whole situation so much harder now to rescue his pack. They didn't have to worry about the hunters now, but human police and security, homeless, occasional explorers of the abandoned, and those fucking terrifying hurricane fencing.

Sam reached over and grabbed Colby's hand, startling the Alpha from his thoughts. The Alpha snapped his head to his mate, "They're here."

Colby turned his attention to the vehicle that pulled up in front of them. The headlights were off and so the car silently came to a stop before them. Colby unlocked their doors, opening them, and stepping out. Behind him, the other cars with his pack members stepped out of their own vehicles.

"Alpha," Colby saw Kevin first who bowed his head in respect.

"Hey, Colby," Aryia came next out of the car, followed by a very calm kitsune, "Fancy seeing you here on a lonely street. Careful, wouldn't want anyone to see your good looks," Cassie shoved her hip into Aryia's, earning a sharp yelp from the werecoyote.

Colby rolled his eyes at Aryia, "I think you need to worry, baby. You got too pretty of a face for the streets."

Sam smiled at the fake flirting between the two men. It always was harmless and Sam found himself more laughing at their jokes than he thought he would over the years. With Brennen Taylor, Sam felt his hackles raise and his fangs extend, wanting blood lust every single time that man opened his mouth to Colby or came near him. But, Aryia-- Sam never ever would feel threatened by him.

Aryia placed a hand over his chest, "Thank you, honey!"

"If you two are done eye-fucking each other, can we start looking for Amber and Xepher?" Kevin gave a teasing glare to his pack member.

"But eye-fucking Colby is beautiful," Aryia pouted.

Colby barked in laughter, "You probably wish I was Xepher instead, right?"

Aryia's expression went from teasing and humor to anger so quickly that Colby felt like he experienced whiplash. Brown eyes hardened and brows furrowed and Aryia clenched his jaw. Colby noted that his hands balled into fists at his side for a moment before relaxing. Fuck, Colby thought to himself, did he fuck up his relationship with Aryia too? Was he that bad of an Alpha?

"She's a fucking friend, Colby," Aryia's voice so monotone that it frightened Colby, "Out of all the people here, you should know how it feels when people assume female friends are much more than that."

☽ Fang ☾ [Howl sequel] ✔Where stories live. Discover now