Twenty Three: Rising Memories Pt. 1

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IT HAS BEEN A WEEK SINCE THE day where Lisa found out about the facts from Mike and Lynne, means it has been a week since she passed out and the doctors declared that she's in coma now. And it also means it has been a week since Lauren felt really bad and miss Lisa way more than ever now. The brown eyed girl entered Lisa's hospital room then changes glances with her oldest sister, Christina. 

"Are you sure you're going to be okay alone here?" Christina asked. Lauren nodded and threw a little smile to her oldest sister. It's Lauren and Amy's turn to watch Lisa, but Amy has something important to do so Lauren is all by herself today and it's completely fine by her. She loves being alone. But there's a love hate relationship between her and her feelings whenever it was her turn to watch Lisa.

She loves it because it's just finally they could spend time together without Lisa throwing disgust stare at her or saying things that could really hurt her feelings. But Lauren also hates it because it's better to see and listen to Lisa do all those things rather than seeing her cant do anything like now. It hurts her even more, especially since she knows that everything that happened for the past years, was because Lisa has a brain trauma, and also because of that, Lauren understands now that Lisa must have felt tortured too. It was never Lisa's fault.

"Come on, Lise, wake up..." Lauren whispered next to her older sister's unconscious body. Christina has left the room a while ago and the comfortable silence in this room just so perfect for Lauren. She likes the silence. But the thing is, it was too quiet that even Lauren's little cry can be heard if someone was on the edge of this room. It hurts her seeing Lisa like this. 

Lisa has been the person she always looked up to since she was so little. She's like the best friend Lauren ever had. Lauren is a grown up now, mostly people in her age wishing to get a car, to be in a relationship, to have a perfect life, but not with Lauren. One thing she wants and always wished for every night is for her brain to not letting any memories she has of Lisa and her when they were way younger fading away. Back when everything was perfect and simple and innocent. That's the only thing she wants.

To her, that memory is everything. 

Those days are the best days of her life and ever since Lisa turned cold and hated her, she knew she couldn't ever get back to those days ever again. That was the last time of her and Lisa being inseparable best friends, and what's left is only the memory of it.

Lauren wiped her tears away and lay her head down next to Lisa's shoulder, on the empty bed spot. She's just too tired to keep her eyes opened. Just for now, let her close her eyes next to Lisa's body, enjoying the comfortable silence of the room and the person Lauren adores and loves so much. 

"Wake up, moose..." Lauren whispered before her eyelids finally gave up and letting her to take another steps into the dreamland. 


THERE WAS SO MUCH AIR BUT SO little chance for the air to get into Lisa's body and keep her lungs pumped now. Lisa is barely breathing and she didn't even care. How could she even care after everything that has happened to her? Now she understands why did her brain block all the memories. Because even Lisa's brain knows that this is too hard for her to handle. The way her brain just blocked most of the memories is just a move it did to protect Lisa's own being and now she understands it.

After all she always had in her brain was hatred and questions, for the first time ever there's only regret. The anger and the sadness are still there but now with different reasons. Lisa knows the truth now and it makes her so angry with herself. The last thing Lisa remember was she's dying because of feeling how her little version got drowning at the river. And after that, Lisa doesn't even have the courage to hope to live again. If it's over, then let it be over. 

Lisa felt too much in just a bit of time. 

She doesn't even want to open her eyes yet because she's not ready to face another thing after witnessed everything before she lay on the ground, not able to breathe now. 

Just let me enjoy this second of not witnessing everything. I'm so tired. I'm hurted. I'm in pain. I just want it to stop. I can't breathe and it's okay! I am dying, and I accepted it. 

Lisa said to herself inside her mind, while still trying to catch a breath. Without her realize, her eyes letting out hot tears while she keeps talking to herself inside her mind. She's being vulnerable to her own self and finally she doesn't pretend that she's strong. She's not strong now, and she's okay with that.

I have been suffered since I was a little kid. 

I made my parents, my family, felt bad for something they didn't do. That was me. Why was I born so different?  Why did this happen to me? Why, what did I do? Why did this happen to me? What exactly happened to me? Wh-

"Wake up." Just before Lisa finishes her sentence inside her mind, there's a voice, sounds so quiet yet so soft. The voice is so familiar. Lisa felt like she knows who this person is, but still, she doesn't want to open her eyes because she felt like this entire thing just trying to play with her mind and it's hurting her. "Come on, wake up. You can talk to me, it's better than talking to yourself."

Lisa stayed still. "Come on Lise, you have always been talking to me." 

Hearing that making Lisa feels curious and then she decided to open her eyes. The brown eyes got widen when she saw who or what exactly is it in front of her. She can't believe her own eyes, but after the whole thing that has happened, Lisa thinks this is not even weird anymore. But still, she couldn't still take what she sees now. 

It's another her.

It's literally Lisa. Lisa's body, appearance, posture, looks, everything. This person is literally a copy of Lisa. 

Understand of Lisa's confusion, the girl smiled, looking at the original Lisa. "You can call me the name you gave me, Lise."

"I'm Alison."

HIIII GAAAAAYSSSYYSYSYSY okay so hi im backk !!!!!!

thaaaank you all for still waiting for this story update! i havent been in here because i just didnt have anything in my bren to write fr, and i felt lazy and i havent been on wattpad too! i re-read the story earlier and then decided to actually write a part!

i think there are going to be 2 parts after this one maybe and i'll try to write it soon okay !!!! JUS PRAY TO GOD PLS GIVE DAN INSPIRATION AND WILLING TO WRITE FOR THE SAKE OF THIS BOOK TO FINALLY END 😭🙏 :(

i loveee you guys hope you enjoying this new chapter and now you know that there IS alison, but let's see what they gonna say okay !!!! 


DAN <333333

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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