Twelve: Finding Clues Pt. 2

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AFTER BEING IN THE CAR for more than an hour, because there was an unexpected traffic, finally Amy's car arrived at a driveway that Amy knows for sure, they're getting closer to their destination. Houses lined up and something intrigued Amy, because the last time she's been here, the house that the just passed wasn't pink. While Lauren paying attention to the houses. Today feels so quiet. It's either that or Lauren just making it up inside her mind. feels odd, but quietness is also good, and as someone who love quiets, Lauren definitely won't complain.

After a while with just Taylor Swift country era music playing in the car, Amy broke the silence as she stopped the car in front of a frontyard of a big house. "We're here." Amy looks at Lauren and her sister just looking at the house. One thing Amy doesn't know was there's a lot of things in Lauren's head right now.

Lauren didn't bother to say anything, but her eyes never leave the house. brown eyes keep staring at the neatly cutted grass, then the decorative plants that the owner puts on the ground and some are hanging onto the ceiling. Lauren never really liked them but she must admits that this one was pretty aesthetic and beautiful. The white paint on all over the walls was kind of relaxed her, it makes her forget how agitated she is about everything that she's about to know inside the house. Yeah you don't really think Lauren came here with so much confident without any single scared feeling right? Amy seems noticed because after a while, Lauren didn't say anything back to her.

"Laur? Are you okay? Are you really sure to do this? We can go-" Lauren cutted her off quickly. "No, no, let's go. I was just zoning out."

But the fact is she wasn't just zoning out. A bunch of things bugging Lauren's mind since she got into the car. Lauren was and still so desperate to know the truth. At first she was so excited of the thought asking Karla about the past, but the guts shrinked after she thinks about the possibilities. Is Lauren ready to know it all? Is Lauren ready to accept whatever Karla is going to say to her? Is Lauren ready for it?

What if she's actually a killer?

What if she did killed someone in the past?

What if this whole thing that she's about to know makes everything worse than it already is now?

What if turns out she isn't ready after knowing the facts? Will she be able to run away from those?

But one thing Lauren knows for sure. If she's going back now, this is all will not be over. And she can't live any longer being like this. The options are just two. Keep living with the same guilty and confused feelings, not knowing the truth,

Or die in peace knowing she knows the facts and probably will fix some things that broken. Putting smiles on Lisa's face someday, maybe.

Yes, Lauren have to do this. She needs to do this. For the sake of her life and also the truth behind all of this.

Amy got out of the car first, and after a while of just sitting inside, Lauren finally made her way out of the car. Amy was right in front of her and smiled, like telling Lauren that she's going to be there whatever happens, and Lauren feels so grateful for that. They both stare at the house. "This is what I want." Lauren whispered, unconsciously. And Amy didn't bother to respond to that.

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