The Awakening

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Chapter 3

"Get him back"

"I'm trying"


"Three, two, one, clear"

"Didn't work, do it again" 

"Charging… on three" 

There was total chaos as they tried to bring my brother back, I only had one thing to say.

"Brother, I'm sorry I failed you"

And with that the man from the car turned to me and said "I'm sorry… he's gone"

I took one final look at my brother's lifeless body, with the 'wisdom cube' on top.

I stayed like that for a few seconds as I walked away, but before I left I looked at everyone in the room and said

"You all tried your best, as far as I'm or anyone in this room is concerned, he flattened during one of my visits and you couldn't save him, it's better for your company that way" and with the I walked to the door.

As I put one foot across the fresh hold I heard someone say "cubes energy spiking" I smiled at this, he still had some fight left in him.


"Heart rate has turned to the normal boss" 

"Look the cube is degrading," the man from the car said. I turned around to look at my brother to see the cube that was on his chest break up into smaller cubes and be absorbed into his body.

When the last bit of the cube dissolved into his body. He was surrounded by a blinding blue light.

I shielded my eyes on reflex. Brother what is happening.

…………. (Pov???)..................

"Agh" I screamed as I sat up, God I felt weak today, I pushed myself against the backboard of my bed.

"God damn nightmare," I shivered as I remembered it "that felt so fucking real as well"

"Brother?" Called out the voice of my sister, she sounds older? Weird. 

"Come here jas, what can I do for you," I said as I looked over my shoulder to see my sister, one issue though, she looked a lot older, then I looked around the room to see it was a hospital. Wait for the dream….

"Oh for fuck sake" I screamed as I spun myself around to look at my… sister? I think

"Alex don't freak out but…" she started, but I cut her off with my hand, I could guess what happened.

"Let me guess, I was put in a coma for x amount of time and I just woke up now, correct?" I asked, well more demanded, but I needed to see if mum was ok, dad and sis will be sort of fine, but mum, what state is she in?

"Yes, how did you know?" Asks a man in the doorway. 

"I'm not thick nor stupid, I could see this is my sister" I waved my hand towards jas… hang on did it get smaller? "But it's clear she is at least 20 years old" 

"Actually 21, I just turned 21 today," she said

"Ok that means I've been asleep for 10 years, God, what's the world like, when I left it, it was a burning pile of shit" 10 years, wow, I wonder how everything is?

And why do I feel top-heavy?

"Well, in terms of covid, it's gone, Brexit is over and were out…but…" started jas

"There is always a good damn but, what is it, sis?"  I complained

"We're being invaded by aliens," she said

"Did you have to tell him that? He just woke up" asked the man

"Yes, he is still the same brother I had, he wants everything direct and truthful. No sugar coating words, no holding back information, just straight up facts… right?" 

"Yeah right, so these aliens, are they the preditor type… the alien alien type… or the battleship type?" I asked

"Battleship type," she said 

"How are the military, how are they holding up," I asked, if it's as bad as I think, I need to get ready to fight. "God, why does my chest feel so heavy," I said as I start to look at a mirror opposite my bed.

 "God, why does my chest feel so heavy," I said as I start to look at a mirror opposite my bed

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(This but in a hospital gown)

And what stared back was a cat woman, a beautiful one, but still…

"That can't be me" I whispered. I mean, it has to be, there is nothing in between me and the mirror. And it would explain why my chest was heavy. But still.

"Brother? Are you okay" said sis, truly, I'm not ok, what would mum think when she finds out, but for my sister's sake…

"I'm fine jas, totally fine, just a bit of shock, that's all," I said as I stroked her head. She enjoyed it. 'Am I doing this to comfort her… or myself' I thought.

"Alex, I have so much to tell you, I… I…. I… I don't know where to start" says my sister.

"We'll start from the beginning then," I said, she looked at me with surprise.

"Don't…dont you have more important things to worry about?" She asked

"Nothing is more important than my family, so, tell me, what have I missed," I said as I stopped rubbing her head.


(Time skip brought to you by your sister talking about how she tried to honour you)

"... And that's everything I've done you not upset are you?"

"Yes I am," I said which made her face drop


"That I missed it" 

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