The Escape

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The press shouted questions so I just blocked them out, I did not want to deal with them, so I just walked throw them, soon I was having microphones put in my way.

"Are you Alexander Johnston?" One of the reporters asked me, I just kept walking through them, I didn't want to answer any of their questions. So I kept walking.

"Mr Johnston, what does it feel like to be a woman," says another reporter. like, who the fuck would want to answer that after what has happened to me.

"Miss Johnston, are you a Kansen" just shut up, I saw the car, this was a big relief, after a couple of minutes since I started this hell I finally made it to the limo, and we all got in and I let out a big sigh.

"I'm glad that is over and done with" I laughed out, not because I found it funny, it was the fact that it took so much out of me.

"I'm surprised you took that so well," said the commander as he sat opposite me in the limo, on his left was victory, and on his right was Cleveland, and Niki sat on my right.

"Me too, anyway is there anything I need to do before I go home?" I asked

"Yes, I need you to come to the base with me while we confirm some stuff and see if there is anything you need to be breathed on, is that ok with you?" Asked the commander 

"Yes, that is fine, I understand there are some things that need to be looked at before I can be released into the world," I said, looks like they didn't inform the military with the full info of what there doing, typically private companies. 

(Somewhere in an unknown place)

"So, are you sure about this Mr lee?" Said a man in full suit

"Yes, this cube was created in the backyard the exact moment the one on his chest dissolved," said Mr Lee as they walked to the dockyard, the whole area had been cornered off by the 'red wolf' control team. We met two guards in full red hazmat suits at the entry to the dock containing are experimental warships, a highly classified and monitored dock, so it was caught materialising on the box, they lead us to the cube after it was deemed safe.

"Yes sir, it was not there until the cube has fully absorbed into miss alex, it was within milliseconds, the incidences must be connected," said Mr lee

"That i agree John, put it in a ship, and let's see what happens"

"But does that not mean where forcing him to be a ship girl if it works?" 

"And do I care, just do it"

(Back in the car)

"Where here" said the driver, we all got out the car, it was midday

"Hay, alex, I got to go home, my boyfriend might be getting worried, so I see you later" said niki as she turned and walk out to the town.

"Your welcome to go visit any of the factions, in sure there all be very interested in you" said the commander, he left to go to fill out my paperwork.

I decided to waste my time and aimlessly wonder around the base, until i see the first person on this base… im surprised it took this long if it's serpost to be busy

"Ah you must be the girl I was asked to fetch, I am priz eugen, heavy cruiser of the iron blood, i have been tasked to invite you over to the iron bloods temporary acomidation for discussion by our Kommandant" said the women in front of me.

"Um… sure?" I said

"Wonderful, follow me please"


After many going backwards and forwards, some thing have been finalised, and im proud to say that soon there will be regular updates,

So comment and let me know if anything you want to see

Meeting of the factions is next

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