The Catch Up

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"Come on, you thought I would be mad at you? You did all that, and in my name, how could I be upset about you, you have a good life to live, don't allow me to you down" I said

"I was worried that I failed you and didn't do enough," she said with a sad smile.

"Hey look at me" I commanded her, and she did, trying to hide her pain 'damn women, you should know by now that doesn't work on me "I need you to be strong, not for me, but mum. She is going to need all the help she can get" 

"Okay," she said. I dismissed her with my hand

"I'll be fine, the doctors need to check on me and I would like some peace and quiet," I said to her. She stood up and walked out. God did I feel bad for pushing her away, but I needed some time to think.

(Time skip to after the doctor told you that you're in a better shape than expected, and you were brought up to speed with the important things about the world)

"Agh, I hope I did not push her away, I hope she understands that I just need some time to stop and think," I said.

I knew the room was empty and had no cameras so I could speak my mind in peace.

"Aliens invading, ww2 repeat, ineffectiveness of nuclear weapons… all in ten years, well, like my history teacher said, humans, excel when they are overpowered by a force they cannot beat" I sighed as I scratched one of my cat ears… 

This was a surprise that they work like that. I imagine that they would be sensitive to noise, but not be petted.

And as if it was just to prove my point, I heard footsteps come down the hall. I stopped scratching my ear.

'Better not let anyone see me like that I thought as someone knocked on the door "come in" I called out. The man that works for Chromium walks in, he has been giving me the basics of the world while also making sure that I had contact with the people from my old life.

"Miss Alexandra, I have some people here to meet you, more specifically Lask and Niki. Would you like to see them or should I tell them to come back?" 

"I would like to see them please, it would be nice to catch up with some old friends," I said

"Very well, I'll send them up," he says as he leaves… these were my two close friends from before the accident. I wonder how they are coping, and what will they think of my current state.

Luckily I wasn't left to my thoughts for long as I heard some footsteps down the hall. 'God these ears have their uses' I thought as I awaited the knock on the door.


"Come in," I said

"God he even sounds different," says a muffled voice 

"Best not leave him waiting," says another voice.

A few seconds later the door opens to reveal my two friends, a lot older, but they were still recognisable. 

Niki looked over my body to see if anything was remaining of the friend she once had, whereas Lask just laughed as his eyes went over my body.

Lask spoke up first. "My, what have you got yourself into this time…"

"Lask, have a bit of decency, he has been through a tough time… you are still all… right?" Ask Niki as she came and knelt next to my bed

"Yes, I am Niki," I said as I pat her head, hoping to calm her down.

"Agh" cried out Niki, looks like my head pat has turned her bright red.

"Sorry. Couldn't help myself" I said as I retracted my hand. As I did lask spoke up again

"Damn alex… you're a big girl," he said.

"What does that mean?" I asked

"Look at the size of you. Your massive" he said… 'wait… im fat?' "And those Mellon's are gonna attract a lot of attention because of their size… man you're stacked" he continued 'their… their that big?' 

"Lask… a bit of control please" pleads Niki

"Don't worry, he can take it, right?" Lask said 

"Yeah, I know your joking, when has anything serious come out of that gob of yours anyway" I fought back

"Now you have looks and wits… any man will do anything for you," lask said

"Even you?" I asked

"Maybe… who knows?" He laughs… 'damn player' I thought 

"So, Al, is there anything we can do for you to make you more comfortable?" Asks Niki 

"No Niki, I'm f…" I started before being cut off

"Oh shut up, you're not fine, you're far from fine, look at you, now please tell me how to help, or say that there is nothing that I can do, but don't say you're fine, you're far from it," she said 

"Thank you for caring, im ok, is that better?" I asked which made her nod.

"Miss Alexandra, I have someone that wants to see you… more specifically a representative of the royal navy, a representative of the eagle union, and the commander of the Azur lane." 

"I'll leave you to it al, im needed elsewhere, Niki? You staying?" Ask lask

"Yeah… he is gonna need someone by his side," said Niki 

"Niki, go, im sure you have a better use for your time than me," I said as lask walks out
"Alex, at the moment you're the most important thing in my life, let me help" God… I forgot how much friends mean to her.

"Is this her Mr lee?" Said a female voice. I look over to see the owner

"Yes, this is Miss Alexandra," he said as he waved his hand towards you.

'Could they stop showing me off like I'm a new toy? Is that too much to ask? probably'

Next to speak up was the man, you could tell he was America by the way he helped himself, "damn girl. Want to find out why im a drill sergeant later"

'Oh God… is he really trying to hit on me?... That wasn't even a good pick up line' my cheeks where red. Part of me was relived that someone from the military, especially someone of his rank, was interested in my body… the other part wanted to punch him 

"Commander?!" Said a short blonde tomboy. 'Well this ass is the commander of the azur lane' 

The other women in the room just rolled her eyes before speaking up. "I'm the royal navy representative HMS Victory, oldest shipgirl to exist" 

The tomboy girl spoke up "and im light of the sea Cleveland, representative of the eagle union"

"I'm niki?" I called for my friend

"Yes?" She replied

"What's a ship girl and why do they have names of warships?"

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