Acceptence (sex scene)

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"Bring the N3 class battleship up to combat capability, and put the wisdom cube in there, we'll see if this works," said the boss…

"You heard the man, get to work" 

(in a secure penthouse)

Im sat in front of a tv watching the news, it was all about me, I mean… I can guess why I'm so important… but it was a bit weird, so I just turned it off and tuned to a radio station my friend owned and picked up a photo album my sister dropped off.

“Well boys and girls, it's time for a song, and we got sound of silence by disturbed, I am playing it for a friend that is going through a tough time, so, alex, if you tuned in, this is for you bud,”  said my friend over the radio, this as one of my favourite songs.

I opened the photo album and relived memories of the song, 

My sister got drunk at the bar.

A little duel I had with a friend in Spain.

I nearly burned down the house trying to cook my first Christmas dinner because I forgot to turn off the oven, burning the stuffing.

I finished the photo album, the song ended, and my friend spoke up.

“Alex, wherever you are, just remember that we all wish you the best and a safe journey home, and for the rest of you…remember no matter who you are, there is always someone worth living for, we might be having a tough time… but only through unity do we overcome great challenges” he finished with my motto, I took one good look at myself, and it finally fully sunk in…

“This is my new body… and it's a new life I will have to live… I better get used to it” I said to myself… “maybe it will be best if I get used to my body first… but I don't want anyone to see… maybe a shower? No one would walk in here anyway, even then it would only be the commander that had access and he wouldn't peek at a woman in the shower… right… yeah, he's not that sort of man” I thought as I walked to my room, making sure to shut the curtains, wouldn't want anyone with a telescope in the building opposite staring, would we?

I stripped down to nothing… and walked into the bathroom… I stepped in and turned the shower on… and I made sure it was steaming hot… just how I like it. 

“If anyone walked in, they would think it was a porno” I chuckled to myself as I started cleaning myself starting with my hair…

(dido pov)

The scared maid walked down a hallway, making sure to curtsy at every guarded door, she was on an important mission that her master gave her…

To go to the penthouse and become Alexander Johnstons personal maid, and help her out with everything, she was warned there may also be…

…Lewder requests…
And she was fine with this… if anything she was a bit excited… she would get to serve a woman of multi-national importance, and she got picked over Belfast… so it must be something only she can do…

Or so she told herself… the fact was the queen refused to give up any of the maids but dido and her sister… and dido being the one with the actual maid skills out of the two, she got sent… but no one told her that, so she thinks it is her and only her, should anyone tell her otherwise… it would break her heart.

She walked up to the door of the penthouse suite, there were two guards outside, she gave them a curtsy, and they let her in, telling her only her new master was home.

Once she entered the penthouse, the door got shut and locked in.

"Ahhhh, this feels nice" she heard her new master say over the sound of water…

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