Chapter 14: the fatal error

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On the ocean

“Hah, is that all you got?” said Purifier as she stood over dido, Purifier knew this wasn't really a big win, since she can go toe to toe with any kansen and have a high chance to win… but didn't stop her gloating 

“I'm sorry master… I failed you'' Dido began to tear up, her rigin had been weapon stripped and mobility killed, so all she could do was lay on the water, waiting for fate to take its course

“ahhh… you failed your master… and that mistress aswell… boo who…” Purifier tanter, weapon pointed at the disabled kansen “but look at it this way, I could have chosen to duel anyone, but I chose you, so that's something” she smiles “but sadly… I can't waste more time teasing you. I'm on a tight schedule” she began to laugh maniacally as her guns began to charge a shot.

Dido closed her eyes and waited for her end. She could hear the energy being charged, then a big explosion, she didn't feel anything… ‘is this what it feels like when a kansen dies?’ She asked herself, she then opened her eyes to see what it's like, only to see Purifier standing over her, clearly having taken shots many of her weapons looked mangled, fire all over her rigging, cloth burnt, and she didn't look happy

“HOW DO THE FUCKING BRITISH HAVE 18 INCH GUNS, AGH… RETURN FIRE'' she yelled, what guns were left turned inland, opening fire 

Back on dry land

I was there, on one knee, panting, I briefly blacked out… or I think I did, it felt like I was looking though range finding binoculars, something hit the siren trying to harm Dido, i'm glad that the army artillery can still be a nuisance to the siren.

I then saw a yellow ball of light heading towards me, I quickly jumped to the left out the way, it missed me… or so I thought, I had a sharp pain in my right side as I attempted to dodge. I looked down to see how bad I was hit… and what I saw… at the moment… I could only describe it as a miniature front half of a ship with triple barrel guns… 

I laid there on my left side… Confused ‘what's happening’ I looker further up, saw it was connected to my back, and took a few seconds to realise what was going on “I'M A KANESN?” I yelled out, I shook my head. ‘Head in the game alex, dido need saving’ I thought, I stood up, I felt a slight tingling in my arms, so slight that if I was in combat I probably wouldn't have noticed it “I hope that's the guns reload” I said, getting up, clenching my hands, and firing again, hoping not to hit poor dido

Back on the sea

“Now that's dealt with, oh yes, right I was gonna finish you of, don't worry dear, your gonna go down as the first kansen to be sunk in history” Purifier turned to dido, and raised her leg, only to have 9 18 inch shells slam into her back, sending her flying into the water, 

dido looked over to see who her savoir was, but she couldn't see anyone on the water, so she looked inland… to see her mistress in rigging “mistress?” 

Back on land

“Waoh… those are fucking 18 inch guns” I said, surprisingly, the shots where not that loud, they didn't even have much recoil it seemed I over braced, it just felt like how ill imagion shooting a pistol to be, I quickly ran down to the docks, I could hear a helicopter in the sky behind, no doubt my radar picking it up, as I looked back, I could see is a news helicopter ‘shit, well, looks like the whole contry knows that I'm a kansen now.

I ran till I got to the edge of the docs, I felt my guns reload, and I lift up my guns, firing again, I see the siren get up and bolt towards a fog. “Oh no, you're not getting away” I said, before leaping on the water and landing. I somehow kept my speed as a landed, almost like ice-skating 

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