fallen heros

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I carefully opened my eyes to find the maid still clinging to my body.

I looked over at my clock. It was 5am, a good time to start the day, I guess.

I gently got out of the maids grip and wrapped her arms around a pillow. She stirred a bit when i moved her, but once she gripped the pillow, she calmed down.

"Cute," I whispered to myself as i got up to clean the room.

I know, I know, she is a maid, and she is meant to clean up the mess, but I couldn't bring myself to wake her.

So I spent an hour cleaning up the mess and went to check how I was doing 

I slowly opened the door and looked inside. She was still clinging to her pillow 

"Poor girl, I really tired you out, didn't I?" I said quietly and softly to try and not wake her.

Shutting the door, I walked towards the kitchen and opened the fridge-freezer to see it was fully stocked 

"mmmm… I fancy some meat, and i'm hungry than normal" I said to myself as I went through the draws "I think I'll have a full English breakfast" I said as I got the things I needed and started cooking 

Today was a big day, I had certain things planned, and this might be my only meal of the day….

Dido soon awoke holding a pillow in masters bed, she let out a yawn qs she sat up “morning master” she said as she looked over to the spot where the pillow was, it took her a few seconds to realise that her master was gone but once it set in, she was in a full panic

“master?” she said panicked and jumped out of bed naked, running through the penthouse looking for her, but to no avail, all she found was a note on the table, it read

‘Dear dido,

I didn't abandon you, I didn't leave because of you, yet I don't know when I will be back, if at all, all I know is my disappearance is not your fault.

I just… need space

My apologies, Alexandra’

Dido broke down crying on the spot, not knowing what to do, believing herself to be the ultimate failure she was not.

It took her a few minutes, but she decided to call her sister, hoping in some way she could get support

Over at one of the royal navy tea parties

The rest of the dido class was serving tea for the queen at a tea party. The other guests included

Illustrious, victorious, and formidable.

Unicorn (do you think those three would leave her out of this)


Warsprite (come on, if the queen was there, her loyal corgi will follow)

Kgv and Prince of Wales

This is when scilla got a call from dido “oh, my magisity, this is dido, I need to take this call if that's okay with you” 

“That is fine maid, answer it on speaker, it's probably to report on the peasant”

“As you wish, my lady” she answered the phone and put it on speaker “dido. How may I help you?”

some crying could be heard, before it stops, and a tearful voice of dido can be heard “s…sister master abandoned me… and I don't what to do, she… she left me” alot of grasps can be heard from some of those there

“Calm down dido… calm down…" Did she leave you anything, maybe a number? She could have gone out with some freinds”

“she… she left me this letter…” dido said, sniffling 

“Read it out then, dear sister, let's hear it” and so dido

“Dear sister… you are over exaggerating. He didn't leave because of anything you did. He even stated that it sounds like he needed some time to him self… alone, away from stress”

“So I made master stressed?” Dido yelled, clearly panicking, scilla let out a sigh

“No sister, you did nothing wrong, she was not stressed because of you, she has just got a lot going on, you must understand, she used to be a man, there must be alot going though her mind, but don't worry, once I finish here, I'll come over to help you ok”

“O…ok… b…bye” 

“Good bye sister, stay safe” 

A few hours later

I was in a cemetery standing over two grave stone, they read

Peter Johnson

Jenny Johnson 

They were my grandparents. Last time I saw they, they were both alive and health… 

I heard to pairs of footsteps behind me “so, you finally realised I went missing and worked out where I was… huh”

“It took me longer to find out you where missing then to actually find you, as much as your good at stratagies, able to change up the tempo on a whim, when it comes to personal matters. You're very well rehearsed and predictable, I knew that after everything that has happened, you would want to seek safety with them” I just nod at her words 

“What happened to them…" Mum and dad didn't tell me” Sister let out a defeated sigh

“Early into the war, the sirens attacked England, and landed some robot looking things in the south, a evacuation of the south was called was called, but there was mass panic, gramps grabbed his rifle, and set up on the hill, while gran when to the hospital… just like old times, slowly but surely he got pushed back to the hospital with what was lef of the defenders, there, he and gran made there final stand… till everyone was out, the transport never got back in time, he managed to get everyone fit to leave from the defending force out, but him and gran died under there guns” she took a pause, no doubt to collect her thoughts “Hold the line… till there is no line to hold, as he would say, he always wanted to go iut with one big last stand, atleast he died happy and not alone” I wiped away a tear, it was something he told me from his time back in the great war… where he met gran

“yeah… i guess he got his wishSo, who is your freind” I ask, not moving my gaze off the tombstones

“I'm HMS Hood, admiral class battle cruiser, you gave dido quite the worry when you left her just a note” I could hear in her voice behind all that elegance was a hint of sadness, was it the fact I left the maid, or the story she just heard

“sorry about that HMS Hood… I needed time, I didn't know what to do, and it seems everyone but my sister has turned on me… or at least keeping me at arms length, I… I needed some love… looks like I'm to late for that”

“This is fine, miss, take your time, everyone knows what your going though, and are giving you time to find yourself” I nod at that

“I guess I got a maid to get back to… huh” hood smiled, and I began to walk out the cemetery


I'm back. Please let me know if this is a bit to dark or not, because these next chapters will be fully introducing you to the world

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