Going Home

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"Um… how do I explain this,"  asks Niki to herself. "You know ships are crewed by hundreds sometimes thousands of men?"

"Yes, people like you and I" I replied

"Well what happens is there is this thing called a wisdom, it's the same thing that we used to awaken you, and what it does is it takes the memories of sailors on ships and the ships and turns them into these superhumans that can walk on water called 'ship girls' if that makes sense," says Niki

This strangely made sense, with the feminisation of ship, but that left on question.

"I guess there used to fight these aliens my sister told me about, but does that make me one of them?" I asked, not just Niki, but everyone in the room.

"Umm…" Mr lee said

Cleveland, victory and the commander all lose there ability to speak.

"Well Mr lee? Is he one of them? Will he have the same laws protecting him as in the past?" Asked Niki

"Miss Niki, I could not give you a answer to that, because as far as where concerned he is still a human that is on permanent life support of the wisdom cube, if he started to show abilities of the ship girls, then that would be out our hands and it's something the goverments, alongside that azur lane, would have to argue" says Mr Lee

"Commander, is he going to be classed as human if he does have a ship?" Asked cleveland

"I will not be the one in the meeting, that's above my pay grade" said the commander

"It's ok, this will be fine by me, at least the government is competent, right," I asked jokenly to the group 

"You know it wasn't before, right?" Asks Niki.

"Yes, I was joking i'm totally screwed if that happens" I said, this is not good, the way the speak, the way shipgirls are treated… well… below human.

"Don't say that, there must be a loop hole, you are always finding them" said niki. 

"This isn't school niki, this is the government, they have people looking for loop holes so they can fix them" I said, it's a good idea, but it won't work, i know it, I just have to pray to God that they are nice.

"I hope you are feeling well enough because I got told that you are well enough to leave here and head home," says Mr lee

"Yes, it will feel good to be back at home next to the docks," I said as I stood up

"Just can I say, there will be some forms I need to fill out before we can let you go home, but there at my office, so you could stay here, or come to the base while I fill them out" says the commander.

"I'll come with you" I said as I pushed myself of the bed "the base is a stone's throw away from home anyway, and it might be better if I meet more of these 'shipgirls' don't you think commander," I said, well more asked, since these girls seem comfortable around him, I guess he will know the most, right?

"Yes, and I'm sure they will love you to death, some actually might, but let's get going shall we miss" he says that last word with a cheeky smile.

"should you then not escort me out?" I teased back.

"Why of the case, follow me please" he said as he led the way, no one dared stop me, until we got to the glass door that go outside. One thing I hate more then being turned into a cat girl…

"Press" I growled

"Miss Alexandra?" Asked me lee

"He hate one thing with his whole body, the press, he believes I free will and freedom of speech, but he hates the fact that they abuse it 99 per cent of the time" said niki

"Ah" says Mr lee

"Right, I guess we will just have to walk pass them then" I said as I took a deep breath…

(Outside with the press, from the BBC News pov)

"We are still waiting for confirmation of the true reason for the commander of the azur lane, some speculations are around a recent incident of the awakening of Alex Johnston, which if our sources are to be believed, was awoken with the aid of a defectional wisdom cube supplied by the royal navy, it is unknown whether he has be turned into a shipgirl In the process" said the reporter

Then she held up up an image of a cat girl

"This is what we believe alex now looks like, as we can see the wisdom cube has transformed his body, this leaves one question, is he now a ship girl" said the newrepoarter. 

"Here they come" yells another as they all rush to the door

(Back with the group in the hospital)

I watched the press swarm towards the door, luckily the people that commander had gardening the entrace. 

"Alex, if you want we can bring the car round back if you don't want to deal with them" said the commander as we see the human guards struggle to gold the press back.

"No, lets go, im not scared" I said as I opened the door.

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