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Somewhere in the ocean

“Agh… i’m so bored” complained a woman 

“Stop being over dramatic, Purifier, anyway, I got a mission that will interest you” purifiers eyes lit up.

“Does that mean I can leave this boring defence mission?” She said hopefully as she looked over the fleet, they where defending a research vessel

“No, I need this done, and tester is busy right now, but a investor of ours wants you to attack Liverpool in the British Isles, they also said this will produce some interesting research, so bring tester with you”

“Ugh… do I have to bring that data fucker” Purifier whined, she then got the feeling of inpending doom, so she quickly changed her tone “of course alpha, I'll bring Tester with me, and I won't even distract her this time” she sweats a little, she does not want to feel alphas wrath

“Once you are finished here, report back to me” Then Alpha ended the communication

“Fucking bitch” Purifier sighed

Back on dry land

I opened the door to my penthouse, to find dido on the sofa being comforted by 6 other girls, a pink haired girl and a purple haired girl walked over to me “hell ow” I said, as I got slapped by the purple haired girl, then followed up by a punch to the gut by the pink haired girl witch mentioned me bend over and hold my stomach

“That's what you get bitch for making out half sister panic” said the purple haired girl

“Mistress” I hear dido yell as she ran over, I felt a hand on my back “Prince, bellona, how dare you attack mistress, mistress you ok?”

“Yeah… aghhh, I just wasn't expecting that, you knowing cough a bit as I try to catch my breath after being winded

“Master, your not upset with me are you” I could hear the sadness in her voice

“No no… im not” I then grunt as I stand up “ill be fine… just… ill be in my room… once your finished up here… feel free to do what ever you want” I say, holding my stomach as I walk over to my room, and climb into bed, I look to my nightstand, to see a book about what happened while I was asleep, I picked it up, reading the title 

Invaders, kansens and more

I shrugged, made myself comfortable and began to read

Section 1

The beginning

In this section we will cover the first contact, all documents are unclassified

I let out a sigh, at least I won't be arrested by reading this

It was the 20th September of 2024, the time was 5pm, a joint fleet of Royal navy and United States navy (eagle union navy pre rename) was heading up international waters towards Russia.

After the increased provocation of Russia, this fleet was meant to show that we will not be pushed around, but while on that voyage, they were engaged by, and I quote.

“A child attacked us, in a swimsuit lasers on some sort of mechanical hammerhead shark” 

What followed was not even considered a battle, it was a massacre, two of the carriers Prince of Wales and … launched their fighters, the destroyers of both navies also opened fire with there ship to ship missiles, survivors described it as and I quote

“The missiles went haywire, going every direction then the one we told them to, they even suck the … and it appeared she was giggling, and then, a blinding light shot through the fleet, sinking half the ships in one shot”

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