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"Right guys, see you next week" called out the tutor. We packed up our stuff and walked out. I stayed behind to ask the tutor some questions about the work.

(A few minutes later)

"Is that all Alex?" He asked

"Yes sir" I replied

"Your a good kid, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, but if there was one thing I could change about you, it's that you will prioritise yourself over the others," he says with a smile "now get out of here"

"Yes sir," I said as I left to get on my bus, it was a one hour twenty minutes ride home.

As I left the college I saw my bus already at the bus station. "Fuck" I said as I ran to the stop to try and catch it.

But just as I get there it closes its doors and drives off. "FUCK" I yell, I hate when this happens. I walk over to the shelter to check the time for the next bus.

"45 minutes till the next one, you got to be kidding me, I know, I'll cut across the field and try and catch it later down the line," I said as I turned to the field behind me that was about 2miles between me and my destination, I wasn't one for speed, but man, I could do the distance.

Just as I said that it started to rain, I love running in the rain. But not when im gonna be running across a field with no path.

"Looks like I got to get moving now," I said to myself as I set off across the field.

As I ran across the field there was little wildlife to distract me, which was good because it meant that I would not get distracted. bad because it made this very lonely.

Eventually, I saw the end of the field. But as I get to the road the bus rush past me.

"Fuck" I screamed out, this is not good. Guess I'll have to call mum.

"Hay mum"


"Missed the bus, it's 45 mins until the next one"

"Ok see you soon"

"See you, bye"

Looks like I got to wait for the next bus, at least the stop was on the other side. So I walk to the crossing and press the button.

The green man comes quick. Which was lucky. I start to cross when I hear a truck horn as one comes speeding down the street.

"Fuck" I try to get to the other side but I just trip over. "Shit" then I see the truck tip over and explode...

( A few hours later)

Mums POV

"Where is he?" I asked my husband.

"Don't worry he will be fine" replied my husband.

"We were watching the news, not much was going on in the world, it looked like everything had calmed down.

"breaking news, Chromium truck was tipped over. We're taking you to live to the accident. David, over to you"

"Thank you, Charles, what happens here was that when the driver tried to slow down for the crossing the weight of his load exceeded its truck's carrying capacity by half. This meant that the driver could not stop within the legal stopping limit. And with the added rain and wind forced the truck to tip over, there was a boy here moments ago that was caught in the explosion, he has been rushed to hospital and is reported to have been put in a coma, that's all I have to report, over to you Charles"

"Just in the boy involved in the incident is Alexander Johnston," says the newsman

'My boy...'

"Love, you ok?"

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