Foxes Prey

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I took a deep breath…

“If you wish… do you have any request?” i asked the maid, a bit nervous, being a virgin in my previous life. Dido lets go, and takes a few steps back

“All I ask is the master use m…my body and his toy, until sh…she is totally satisfied,” she said… thats a go-ahead to do what I want… yes? I think so, so I slowly approached her, taking a good look at her body, she shivered under my gaze, it felt good being in control. As I stand over her, I was 6ft 2, and by my guess, she was 5ft 10.

"Ok then… I guess let it begin" I said as I leaned down and pulled her into a kiss. She moaned into the kiss, sending vibrations through her locked lips and down my spine.

My lack of experience showed through, having to quickly break off for the air. I took a step and stared at her body, she was still fully clothed, let's see how far is too far

"Strip… slowly… I want to admire you" I purred out, she meekly nodded and started to strip naked, I was getting hornier by the second. 

"Stop" I commanded once she got down to some plain black panties and bra, I sat on the bed and spread my legs, and patted the space in between them. 

She meekly nodded and quickly hurried over, sitting down and spreading her legs, man her submissiveness was driving me crazy…

I put my hand over her pussy, but not actually touching it, her breathing was very heavy, time for a bit of fun. 

"Beg" I commanded her

"Huh" she let out a cute confession noise

"I said to beg for your master… beg me to relieve you," I said in that same commanding tone…

I never thought I would be turned on by commanding someone, but here I am, getting turned on by commanding this maid to beg for me to finger her.

"Master… please… I beg you to g…give this m…maid some relief… u…using your g…godly hands… o… on this unworthy maid" her begging was like music to my ears.

"Good girl" I purred, I moved my hand to her clothed pussy and started to slowly rub it, she bit her bottom lip as I slowly and experimentally rubbed her, I could feel her wet folds through the panties, I giggled "wet already… was my showering really that exotic?"

She just let out a breathless whimper that told me everything I needed to know. She lent back into me, her head just holding up my large breasts.

Once I finished experiencing with her clothed pussy, I slowly pushed them to one side, she shivered as her pussy was exposed to the cool air, and I started to rub one finger up and down her slit, coaxing a moan out of her.

"Mmm ahhh you are good at this master" 

"Yes dido, I know" I purred at the horny maid, I then applied pressure to her clit using my thumb, and started to move it around, somehow not stopping moving my finger, in fact, I somehow managed to synchronise their movement, she started withering against my body, we stayed like this for a good few minutes, me slowly teasing her more and more… until 

"Ahhh, master… please can you push your finger inside" pleaded dido

"Well… since you begged so nicely…" I moved my other hand to her clit, and I got my middle finger ready to enter her pussy, and I slowly pushed it in…

"Ahhhh" she throws her head back "so think" I let out a small chuckle to this, I added my other two fingers to the mix, she started to fidget between my legs

I slowly started to pump in and out of her pussy, but it didn't take me long until I picked up a decent speed, and my speed was rewarded, her cry of pleasure was music to my ears

"AHH" she moaned loudly, her legs clamping around my hand, cumin all over them, it took a while, but she calmed down with a blissful sigh "ahhh… thank you master" she released her legs, I pulled my hand out, it was dripping with her cum.

I brought it to her face, I couldn't see her from the current angle, but I commanded her to "suck it off… clean my fingers like maids are supposed to clean houses" 

I then felt her lick my hand, it tickled a bit… before she grabbed it… and put it in her mouth, sucking all her juices off.

"Such a lewd maid… and lewd maids should be rewarded," I said as I pulled out my hand from her mouth, a bit of saliva gripping onto it. I shook it off the side of the bed, and grabbed her breasts, starting to play with them

"Mmmm master… has dido been a good maid?" She whined as is played with her breast

"Yes…dido has been the perfect maid"  I purred, but I was getting bored of this position… I wanted to see her face, so I let go.

"Move" I commanded her. She quickly got out and stood on full display at the end of the bed, she was still dripping from her orgasm 

"Such a good girl, I'm so lucky they sent you" I purred, I got out of bed and walked over to her, and then pointed at the bed. "Lay down on top of it… now" I growled that last word.

"Y…yes master" she quickly crawled on the bed, and layed on her back. i got in my knees next to her

"I am going to sit on your face and your going to eat me out… but if you need me to get off, tap my thigh three times ok?" I said in a worried tone, I was worried that she wouldn't do it

"I will master" she said

"Good, I wouldn't want to breaky toy" I growled, and straddled her face, I lined up my pussy with her open mouth, and slowly lowered myself down, the moment my pussy touched her wet lips it send a cold pleasant shiver up my spine, almost dropping myself on her face, but i kept my legs under me, and slowly lowered myself until I was fully pressed against her mouths, even then I had to hold myself up.

"Not yet" I commanded her, I wanted to be lowered down all the way, and when I finally got there, only then did I allow her to pleasure me "you may start"

And oh boy did she, her tongue did one long lick, making me shudder and also encouraging a moan out of my throat "ahhh, that's it… lick my pussy" I moans out, she then licked me again, and again, and again.

"Ahhh, ooohhh such a good dirty maid" that's when her dripping pussy caught my attention, it just laid there begging me to play with it… to taste it…

I lent down and pressed my mouth against her pussy, and gave it an experimental kiss, I had to arch my back to reach it, but the way her legs spasmed as I kissed her pussy, she wanted more, she wanted me.

And i gave it her, i tried to so what she was doing to me, i was going to eat her out, so i pushed my tongue between her pussy lips, and started to wiggle my tongue inside her, my legs started to twitch, I was nearing,

It didn't take it long for both of us to cum, me because of my inexperience, and her because how sensitive she was, I throw my head back and let out a cry as I came for the first time.

I rolled off her, panting, not able to go on, I just laid my head on the pillow

"Master, are you ok?"

"Yes dido, I just need to sleep, that's all" I said, she then hugged me under the arm, snuggling into me

"Then good night master"

"Good night did,o" I said, drifting off to sleep

A/N how did you find the scene, this was a bit difficult for me to write, so let me know what you think

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