Meeting Germanys Finest

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I followed the woman to this hotel that she said the iron blood kansen's and the commander (which I found out was Germany) were staying at. 

"Why are you here, bit far from Germany" I asked her.

"All the politicians are talking about kansen rights and other stuff that impact our lives and the war on the sirens in general," she said as we walked into the lobby. It's good to see that they are arguing this sort of stuff.

"So, who are the two sides?" I asked as I looked around at the women in this place, the kids were wearing… 

Stuff not suitable for their age

"Pardon me… but please explain what you mean by the two sides," she asked as she looked over her shoulder to see if I was still keeping up

"What I mean is what nations are supporting kansen rights, and what nations are against?"

"Oh, well the eagle union and the royal navy are against… but the royal navy is more neutral than anything, and the iron blood, sakura empire, and the Sardegna Empire are for their rights and equality" she explained to me. 

"At least things are looking up for your people," I said one thing I had to do was keep an open mind that they are not human, but in fact, there are deadly weapons that could destroy a city, 

"I hope they go as well as planned" she said, she had an all-purpose poker face, it was impossible to tell what she wanted. 

Eventually, we made it to the room the commander of the German navy was staying in, it was a standard penthouse sweet, very nice.

"Ah, miss Alexandra im so glad you could make it," said a man from behind a desk, 

"I am doing well thank you… had a little meeting with the press, but that's the most notable thing since my resurrection," I said. 

"That is unfortunate that the press annoyed you straight away after your awakening, but I suppose there is nothing we can do about it," he said with a sigh, I guess he doesn't like the press that much either.

"So… if you don't mind me asking, what did you bring me here for?" I asked

"Well, I wanted to ask you some questions you were okay with that?" He said

"Yes… as long as if there is a question I don't want to answer I don't have to," I said, I wanted to make it clear that I am not going to be pushed around

"Yes, that is fine, I would be disappointed if it was any other way," he said

(In the succure docks)

"Sir… may I ask what ship we are going to test our theory on?" Asked Mr lee

"Well, what ships do we have available"

"Well sir… we have the N3 battleship, the Illustrious class aircraft carrier, the county class cruiser, the lightning class destroyer, and the M class sub"


And now, you get to pick Alex's ship from the options, this vote will go on for 48h, which is when I will pick up the book again. I will do comment counts so these are...

Battleship N3 class

Aircraft carrier Illustrious class

Cruiser county class

Destroyer lighting class

Sub M class

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