The unexpected lesson

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A/N Quick disclaimer I do not own any characters in these scenes but Alex all credit to them goes to Elect0sharkus

I woke up in a unfamiliar bed I grabs a sword that was left next to the bed, and left the room

"What pervert kidnapped me... Maybe that private company? No, that maid? Yeah, I knew she was a bad idea" I then walked down the stairs, sword in hand, to where I heard talking in the living room

" that, then always make sure to season the other side" I heard a women in her mid 20s say, but this didn't sound like her

"Okay!" I heard a child reply, so the person that kidnapped me is a mother

"A fucking child?" I walked round the corner and yell "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU KIDNAP ME"

A blue ghost-like sword stabbed into the wall next to my head.

"Hm? Looks like we have an unwelcome visitor" said the older women, this made me even more mad then before.


"...What?" She asked with genuine surprise, her surprise calmed me down

"i fell asleep next to a maid in a pent house... then i ended up here, BECAUSE YOU KIDNAPED ME"

"Hmph, so you got subjected to a World break then?" She said in a tone that makes it sound normal, my life has been anything but normal

"A what?" Asked her child

"what the fuck you on about animal lady, speak before I cut those ears off you and your child, I'm in no mood for games" I was angry, all I want is my life back

"How about you put Force Edge down before you hurt yourself, because once you swing that, things aren't going to go well for you" she said in calm tone

"You wanna bet?"

She let out a long sigh "Girls? You know what to do"

Once she says that, the blade starts to shake, and a woman just materialised in front of me.

I panic and swing the sword at her, but she grabs the blade with her hand and pulls it out of my grip

This scares me even more, I throw a punch, not the smartest idea I will admit, she just steps back and hands the sword to the women and casually says "hey, akagi, your up"

"Hey, cat girl, what's your name?" This akagi asked

I bared my teeth, I was to angry "why should you care you kidnapped me, so you should know that already"

"...Keiko, stay her and keep making the eggs will you?"

"Ok" said the little girl

She then walks past me and says" Follow me girl, I'll show you what happened"

This calmed me down a bit, finally, answers "sure" I said as I turned and followed her outside

It was a lovely forest, this calmed me down completely, she couldn't have kidnapped me, nothing this beautiful exist in my world, and then that reminded me, I got no way home

Once she steps out side she speaks up "Now then, what you experienced waswhat I call a 'World Break', where dimensions will shatter and create drawing points that suck either objects or people through to another. You seem to have been snatched up by one and ended up in my house"

"How do I get home?"

"That's simple, you can't" she said, this makes my mood drop

"Yep. Unfortunately, you're stuck here. However, there is a way to travel to other Dimensions. The only way to do so is with a tool or power capable of it...such as my sword here." She then holds up her sword

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