The Chance

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"Please say that again?" I asked the man

"We might be able to wake him up, but I need you to come with me," he said as he walked out.

I followed the man into a black limo. "What do you mean that you can wake him?" I asked.

"Miss jasmine, all will be explained when you strap in," said the man. 

"Right… sure," I said as I strapped in, the belt gave an almighty click. 

"Good, miss jasmine, do you know what one of these is?" He said as he put a brown heavy-looking leather suitcase on his lap.

When he opened it the was a light blue cube inside, I knew that this was a wisdom cube that we used to create our superweapons, but that is as much as I know, well that is as much as anyone knows.

"Yeah, it's our superweapon against the sirens," I said, I don't know how a weapon is going to help us revive my brother.

"Yes, but do you know how it helps us fight" asked the man 

"I don't know, they probably stuff it in bombs," I said, 

"No, we use it's the power to bring back warships from the past and give the human female form, and that is all your aloud to know because that's all public knowledge," he said, how is this going to save my brother.

"How is this going to save my brother?" 

"We are hoping that this cube creates life a human body from nothing, was hoping it could bring someone back that still has brain activity and body is still healed, but truth is, we have no idea what will happen, you parents are refusing to talk to us, and we need permission to save your brother, do we have it?" He asked 

I know this isn't right, they're using him as a test dummy, but I want… no need, I need him back. 

"Yes, you have my permission, but I must be there to observe," I said, I'm not going to let him be alone.

"Excellent, I'll tell our people to get him ready for when we get there," I said

"I… I can't believe this, I'm getting my brother back…" I start to say before I was cut off

"Might be getting him back, this is something we do not fully understand, and even if we did, there is still room for error, so please keep that in mind?" he said

"Yes, sorry, I got ahead of myself" I replied

"Don't worry miss jasmine, I could never comprehend what you and your family went through"

"But still, what would her think of me, did I do enough to impress him?" I said

"I'm sure he will be overwhelmed with your achievements" he reassured me.

"Thank you, that means a lot, I did everything to honour him, to keep his memory alive," I said, I then felt my eyes well up, damn it, women, keep yourself together.

"It's ok to miss jasmine, I would hate for myself to be in your position, I could, no, I would not want to imagine myself in your shoes, I would probably go insane if I lost my little girl, you are a strong woman, and instead of collapsing like many words, you turned it into drive and power to help others that out suffering." He said

"Thank you, sir, this is just a lot to process" 

"No issue miss jasmine," he said as he handed me a tissue, which I accepted.

(A few minutes later) 

The rest of the car ride was quiet, we did not talk about anything else, not because of any tension, just there was nothing to talk about.

"We're here, Miss Jasmine, are you ready?" Said the man. I nodded my head, nothing could prepare me for this, as he said a lot, 'if in doubt, just wing it. "Splendid, we have moved him to a better room inside the building that has the facility for the operation, so please keep close," he said as he got out of the car, I followed him.

 (A few minutes later)
(Leave the light on by tom walker is perfect here

We walked through the hospital he was being kept at. Every room we passed, I could not shake the feeling I had not done enough, that I still have let him down. 

But only time would tell if I was overreacting. 

"This way miss jasmine, I'll let you see him while we do the final preparations," he said as he opened the door for me. 

There in the centre of the room, illuminated by the white unnatural light because there were no windows to this room, laid the lifeless form of my brother. 

I walked over to where he was laid and got on one knee and holder his hand and whispered "Brother, don't worry, I will not stop until I get you back… I promise that…"

I don't know how long I stayed like that, how long I holder his cold hand, the only thing that gave me comfort was the bleeping of the heart rate monitor. 

"Miss jasmine, were ready" called out the man from the car, this snapped me back to my senses.

"What… oh your ready, sure I'll come now," I said as I let go of his hand and stood up to walk out, but halfway to the door I stopped and looked over my shoulder at him. "Don't worry, soon we will be together again, soon" and with that, I walked out of the room to an adjacent room. 

there was a one-way glass into the room that contained my lifeless brother. 

"Are you ready miss jasmine?" Asks one of the doctors. No…

But for him, I will power on.

"Yes, please start," I said

"You heard her, start the process," said the man from the car. I just focused on the one thing that mattered, 

The heart rate monitor


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