1. Paradise Shattered

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Year 845 - Age 12

The incoming fist was fast but not fast enough to land, dodging to your right, you felt the wind from the blow pass by your cheek. Without giving your opponent any time to reset and reassume his guard, you had already planted your foot and sent a high kick rocketing towards his head. Your eyes widened in shock as it connected, spinning the man halfway around as he reeled back before quickly raised his hand, signaling for the bout to end as you slumped down against the wall in exhaustion.

"Alright! I'd say that about does it for the day! Excellent work son, your form was much better today and you didn't fall for any of my little tricks." Your father's voice rang out joyously as the tall, dark haired man made his way over to you, plopping down beside you "I'm genuinely impressed and proud as hell of you. You're becoming a right and proper soldier."

You smiled hard as you reached up, wiping the puddle of sweat from your forehead before looking over to him. To your surprise, he was sweating this time too and even looked to a have a bruise forming on his chin.

"Your chin... Was that me?" He let out a chuckle at your shock before giving you a nod "Ohh, wow. I'll admit, that round felt better but I didn't know I did that well. Looks like I might finally be getting it."

"That you are, that you are. I know I've been working you half to death lately, but it's all paying off. If you really want to join the Military Police you gotta be ready to place high-" He halted abruptly at the sight of your mother peaking out the door, waving you both over "Looks like diners ready, I'd say we've both earned our break."

The three of you talked all through diner, the conversation frequently punctuated by the sound of rapid chomping and chewing, courtesy of another stellar job by the cook. You had nearly finished off your plate when you were taken off guard by news of of your grandparents' health.

"Wait, you said they're not doing well? Are they sick or something?" You couldn't stop the small frown from forming on your face "Why can't we go with you?"

"It should only be a few days, you know your grandparents... They've got a talent for playing these kinds of things up." She gave you a reassuring smile, trying to dispel the obvious anxiety painted all over your face "No need to be worried, I'll be perfectly safe and back soon."

"We'll just have to make due with my cooking until then. What's the worst that could happen?" Your father caught the roll of your eyes loud and clear, rolling his back at you with a small grin "You're probably right, we might actually starve. Guess we'll have to eat out a few times if we want to survive."

"I-I guess you're right, I just don't remember a time where they made it seem so urgent, I really hope they're ok." You looked back to her again, feeling the warmth of her smile soothe your nerves "We'll be fine though, as long as you're safe and they're ok, that's all that matters."

You excused yourself a few minutes later,  dropping your plate off before heading outside. A short walk later and you found yourself sitting by one of the town's riverbanks deep in thoughts far from the present.

"I wonder... What's it like outside these walls? I know everybody says it's just Titans, but there's gotta be something else, even if it's just ruins or old towns." You reclined back, resting your weight against the tree behind you as you stared up at the moon "I'm gonna see it all one day, I've got to. Maybe the MP isn't for me, I could even join up with the Scouts and see the world, or something like that."

* * * * *

Meanwhile, hundreds of kilometers away at the edge of a forest four figures sat around a fire, resting from a long days travel. Three of them, all boys, were busy planning the events of the next day while a lone girl sat off to the side, seemingly unfazed by their conversation.

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