2. A New Normal

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The next few months of your life seemed to fly by, all melding together as a blur in your mind. You had been almost solely focused on finding a way to locate your mom, or at least get in touch with your grandparents, but to no avail so far. Lost in your mind, you didn't even notice Andre entering your room and as he sat down beside you.

"Well, good morning..." His gentle pat on the back nearly made you jump out of your chair in shock "Sorry about that, didn't mean to startle you! You're up mighty early, what's the occasion?"

"Ehh... Can't really sleep, I keep thinking about mom." You looked over at him to notice a nervous look on his face "You haven't heard anything have you? I asked the Garrison and the MPs, but... Nothing so far."

"No, not yet, but I've been in touch with a few people as well. I'm sure she'll turn up soon, from everything I've heard about her, she's a fighter." His expression changed before he finished, back to his usual chipper self "She wouldn't give up and neither should you."

"Thank you... Thank you again." You quickly moved forward, hugging him before getting up "I'm gonna go meet up with Ian, he told me that him and the guys had a surprise for you me since training has been going so well."

"So he picked today too... I guess that makes two for you today." You could feel your eyes light up curiously "Once you get back we'll have diner and then comes surprise number two. I can guarantee you'll like it."

After a short walk full of speculating and wondering you walked through the gate to the city's Garrison HQ. It wasn't until you made your way to the training yard that you finally found Ian, flashing him a small wave as you approached.

"Well that took you long enough... You ready?"

"Ready for what though... How would I already know that?" You gave a small nod before he let out a loud whistle "What the-"

You caught the movement in the corners of your eyes before the two figures had fully emerged from their hiding spots as they both barreled towards you. You glanced back to see Ian was closing in to, only a bit behind the other two.

Just before the first figure stepped within reach you threw up your guard, catching the incoming blow on your forearm as your senses snapped into focus, awareness suddenly spreading through body. The second moved in, launching himself at you for a takedown but only found a swift knee to the chest in the process, crumbling to the ground harmlessly.

"Excellent! When you're outnumbered defense alone won't bale you out, you've got it." Ian bellowed as he stepped in range, launching a hard kick into the fray while you continued to trade shots with the first man "Your only two choices are offense or tire multiple people out, and those odds aren't the best."

"I wouldn't know..." Dodging another wide hook from the first man you jolted below his arm and stomped down hard into the back of his knee "... I don't have patience for that."

The first man tumbled down hard and fast, forcing Ian to back pedal to avoid his flailing body. He looked back to you with a proud grin before reaching to his waist and pulling a wooden practice sword from his scabbard.

"This may be the time you have to learn." You felt the shock plastered on your face, causing him to chuckle "Consider the sword as a Titan springing a sneak attack, can't plan for everything."

"You don't say..." His first slash whizzed by your head as you spun to the right, stepping back and avoiding a second by inches "We've practiced unarmed and armed combat, but never in a one sided setting. I've gotta find a way to disarm him.. Somehow."

Unwavering | Annie Leonhart x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now