7. Distress

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"That's all there is to it! You worthless runts probably think it's an easy mission, but don't!" Shadis paused and looked out over the group with intensity in his eyes "A soldier is a solider at all times! You must be ready to fight in all situations!"

"Doesn't sound like this'll be a particularly interesting situation by any means." You felt your posture relax a bit as his speech began to wind down "The entire point of this exercise doesn't really make any sense, come to think of it."

"Don't succumb to bored, don't be fooled into peace!" Shadis had stopped his pacing and now stood at the front of the formation as he finished "This whole mission is a battle, don't forget that!"

The mission seemed simple enough; you would be split into two groups, each tasked with taking a separate route to collect an objective across the nearby desert and then return to base using the opposite path on the return trip. Shadis made it a point to tell everyone the exercise wasn't timed and you shouldn't rush, leading most to the impression that it would merely be leisure. After the group was dismissed to begin the trek you met up with the rest of Thomas' team to prepare.

"So, what surprise twist do you think he has in store for us?" Reiner asked as he loaded up his horse "It really can't be as easy as just riding there and back, right?"

"Don't know, but honestly, it'd be nice if there wasn't a surprise." You threw a quick look over at Bertolt before lifting your tone "And besides, a nice little desert ride with the gang sounds nice."

While Reiner rolled his eyes you glanced over at Annie, still busy packing up her supplies onto her horse. Things had changed after the night she fell asleep in your arms... She seemed less reserved, more amicable to everyone than she had ever been before.

"I'm not sure what's gotten into you, but you seem happier now." Seeming to notice your gaze, she turned and flashed you a soft smile before turning back "This seems like a totally different side of you... I'd be lying if I didn't say I was enjoying it."

You set off shortly after; Thomas leading the group, Mikasa on his wing with the map, and the rest of you forming up behind them. It was projected to be a forty kilometer trip, no less than an eight hour ride each way, so the group has taken to what equated to story time to fill the air.

"Hey, how're you feeling?" Annie steered her horse over, falling in close beside you "You look like you're about to zone out. Gotta stay vigilant 'the whole mission is a battle' remember?"

"Shit, you're right. My bad." You hadn't noticed your own state until she called it, suddenly feeling a wave of heat wash over your face "I've just been thinking, you seem much happier now. I like seeing it."

The two of you continued with the small talk as the ride continued on for another few hours before a slight break was announced inside of a small canyon, a perfect escape from the sun. After a small discussion between Mikasa and Thomas, the group set out again on a slightly altered course in attempts to gain ground faster in the more hospitable upcoming forests. As the sun began to set the group came to a stop in a small clearing and most began setting up a temporary campsite before everyone split into pairs to scout out the immediate surroundings.

"What exactly are we looking for? We already set up camp, what more could we need?" Annie groaned from beside you as you made your way through the trees "I just want to eat, I'm so hungry."

"Honestly, no idea. I guess it's just to get a better feel for our surroundings." You smiled over at her "You're onto something though, food sounds ni-"

You were cut off by shouting coming from the direction of the camp setup, both of you spinning on your heels at the sound before sprinting back. Others seemed to have reacted similarly, as the whole group had gathered around Thomas and Daz.

Unwavering | Annie Leonhart x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now