11. An Unforeseen Shift

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You stood, dumbfounded, at the head of the group as the rogue tore through body after body, the garden variety Titans having no apparent defense against the beast's wrath. After watching its rampage for a while you began to slowly come back to, recollecting yourself before tossing at glance back at your friends.

"A Titan killing other Titans... I-I don't know if that's ever even been reported before." You began to lose sight of the beast as it continued tearing through the city "I guess it's better than the alternative... But what the hell? As long we don't have to deal with, I'm happy. That one is definitely more dangerous than the others."

"Alright guys... Uhh... As fucking wild as that was, we should probably get a move on..." You forced a tentative smile as you gestured back "Probably safe to assume that was our lucky break."

The group had only gotten a few streets away when you heard Connie call out before redirecting and heading towards a lone figure sitting on a nearby rooftop. After waving to Christa and Ymir you followed suite, recognizing the figure as Armin as you got closer.

"Hey. Hey! What's wrong, Armin?" Connie knelt down beside Armin, lightly shaking him "Snap out of it Hey! Armin! Hey. Armin! Hey!"

Seemingly in a daze, Armin slowly looked over at him but remained perfectly silent.

"You awake? Feeling alright? Does it hurt anywhere? What about your squad?"

"Squad?" Armin muttered weakly as his eyes fell back to the roof.

"What the happened to him?" You took a step closer, kneeling down on Armin's other side "Whatever it was, it seems like it broke him completely. This isn't good..."

"Come on, get a hold of yourself. Why are you alone?" Connie stood back up, offering his hand to Armin "Your body feels kind of slimy. What in the world happened?"

"Armin, over here. Look at me." You placed a gentle hand on his shoulder as he turned towards you "You're safe now, whatever happened is over. Can you stand?"

"Augh!!!!" All at once the life returned to his eyes as he quickly began to lose control "I'm dead weight! I should just die!"

"Hey, calm down, Armin!" Connie said, trying to feign a sense of calm despite his shock "Where's everyone?"

"That's enough, Connie." Ymir interjected after having let Armin alternate between mumbling and screaming again in "They're all dead, minus this guy."

"Ymir, shut up!" He looked up angrily at Ymir while Armin again fell silent"Armin hasn't said anything yet!"

"Isn't it obvious from just looking around?" She threw one last dismissive look at the broken boy before starting off into the city "We don't have any more time to waste on him."

Now shaking with anger, Connie mumbled barely loud enough for her to hear "Why is Armin the only survivor?"

"Hell if I know. Maybe they thought he was a corpse. While I think it's unfortunate they ran into a swarm of Titans, the fact that Eren and the others died while this incompetent one survived is ridiculous." Ymir barked over her shoulder as she gestured for Christa to follow her.

"Hey, you bitch." Finally having had enough, Connie shot up and headed straight for her "Want me to shut you up for good?!"

"We don't have time for this shit... People are dying out there while we stand here bickering over nothing." Amidst the fighting, Armin finally pulled himself to his feet before looking off into the distance "If these two don't get over their shit we're gonna be in the same pl-"

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