13. ... There Comes a Price

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"This feels surreal, we've been at this for days and there are still bodies... Everywhere." You pulled your face mask up, taking in a deep breath of fresh air while up looked out over the ruined town square "It didn't seem like the death toll was this bad during, wishful thinking I guess."

Two days had passed since the attack on Trost; two long days of constant cannon fire, city cleanup, and mourning that had led up to the current body recovery and disposal assignment. Try as you might, you couldn't remember a time where the disparity in morale between the people and the government had been so severe.

"Doesn't make sense how anyone could even begin to celebrate this as a victory, not if they've even so much as laid eyes on the city itself." With a faint grunt you heaved one last body into the wagon before heading off towards the barracks as the sun began to sink below the wall "This has, by far, been the worst week in a long, long time."

Your mind started to replay the events of the attack, the final moments of Ian's life, again but was thankfully halted by the feeling of two arms wrapping around your waist from behind. Annie's voice filled your ears like the a choir of angels, pushing back the darkness in your head, even if only for a moment.

"You're going the wrong way... It's been two days, you've gotta eat something." Turning around slowly, you let your chin come to rest against her head "I don't want to be overbearing, but you're scaring me a little."

Far from overbearing, she'd been practically perfect for the last two days, even while grappling with Marco's death at the same time. Despite your protests insisting she take time for herself, she'd barely left your side for a moment, always there and ready to keep you afloat even in the worst moments.

"You aren't... and you're right." Your voice cracked slightly as you spoke, almost feeling rusty from two days of underuse "Thank you Annie, for the past few days. I don't think I would've made it through without you."

"You don't have to thank me, I wouldn't have it any other way." She pulled her head away before stretching up for a kiss "Besides, I love you, it's what I do."

Letting out a sigh, you cupped her face in your hands and returned the kiss before the two of headed off to grab dinner. Opting to skip the inevitable social hour, you both swiftly grabbed your food and headed back to the barracks to enjoy each other's company as night fell in earnest.

* * * * *

Several hours later, after you'd finished eating and showering, the two of you made your way upstairs. Like clockwork, you kicked off your boots and headed to the balcony where you and Annie seemed to spend most of your time.

"It's crazy how few stars are out at night here... Remember in training, how it seemed like they went on forever?" Annie said softly, shifting her gaze between you and the sky "I didn't think I'd ever miss anything about that place... But here we are."

"Truth be told, me either. I guess we didn't realize how good we had it back then." Feeble as the attempt seemed to you, the joke landed well, causing her to giggle quietly before looking back to you "I... I didn't tell you any of this, but when I thought I was gonna die I thought about that, those times with you. One of the last things I saw before he pulled me out was us in the future with a little house out in the woods with plenty of stars every night, just like you like."

You had hoped mentioning it wouldn't be too much, but could already feel the floodgates bursting open. She took notice fast, faster than you could hide it and quickly pulled you into her shoulder.

"It's ok... You've been so strong for so long." Something about those words soothed you in a way you never had been before as your tears began flow, soaking into her shirt "It's ok to let go of all that sometimes. I promise, you're safe."

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