3. The 104th Cadet Corps

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Year 847 - Age 14

"Well... It's finally time, I've been training and preparing for this for as long as I can remember..." You brought your right hand up over your heart, saluting towards the tall figure that had taken to the center of the stage "Blood, sweat, and tears went into this... Dad, he did everything he could to make sure I was ready. I've got this."

"Listen up you worthless maggots!" The man's voice boomed across the pit and made your hair stand on end as all other noise ceased "We now begin the enlistment ceremony for the 104th Trainee Corps! I am Keith Shadis, and I had the misfortune to be assigned to train you bastards!"

"So far, it checks out. This is definitely every bit of the 'rite of passage' that Ian told me about." Shadis continued his speech, laying out the program and what was on the line "Big long speech to instill the urgency, get the blood flowing, and then comes the intimidation. Let's see if he called it to a 'T'."

Once his speech had finally ended he descended from the stage and began making his way down each row, picking a cadet here and there to rattle. First up was a small boy with blond bowl-cut.

"You there!" Shadis' voice made the boy shrink down immediately.

"Yes, sir!"

"Who are you?!"

"Armin Arlert, from Shiganshina!"

"Yeah? That's a stupid name. Your parents give you that?"

"My grandfather did!"

"Arlert, what are you doing here?!"

"Trying to aid in humanity's victory!"

"That is indeed wonderful... Then you will feed the Titans!" He turned away from Armin and continued his walk "Row 3, about face! Who are you?!"

He continued on, engaging with several other cadets with the same level of vitriol before reaching a taller boy with grayish hair. Shadis paused, seeming to see something in the boy that irked him.

"Who are you?!" Shadis was mere inches from the boy's face, spit flying from his mouth as he shouted.

"Jean Kirschstein, from Trost!"

"What are you doing here?!"

"Joining the Military Police for a life deep within the walls."

"Oh, I see... you want access to the Interior?"


Before Jean could react... Or anyone could, Shadis head-butted Jean causing a nauseating crack to ring out "Who said you could sit down?! Anyone who can't handle this will never make it into the Military Police!"

"Shit... I guess he's got a little more bite than expected." You watched as he continued onward before stopping in front of a shorter bald kid "God help anyone who really crosses hi- Seriously?"

The bald kid, Connie Springer as he had just declared himself, was suddenly lifted off the ground by his head. He quickly slammed his right hand to his chest as he dangled there while Shadis ripped into him as well.

"I explained that this salute demonstrates your resolve to devote your entire heart to the people..." His eyes looked damn close to popping clean out of his head as he bellowed "Is your heart on your right side?!"

Before Connie could answer, still suspended by the head, he got his lucky break. A loud crunch echoed off the pit walls as Shadis dropped the boy and turned, looking more akin to an actual demon than a man, to find the source... A brunette girl eating a potato, mid-salute and still in formation.

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