Chapter 10

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November 7th.

Taking advantage of the school weekend, Zhao Jue drives to Qinzhou art college to meet Lin Yuan, and goes to xingmang entertainment to go through the procedures for his transfer to the composing department.

Books with professional courses on their backs.

Lin Yuan got on the co pilot this time.

On the way, Lin Yuan listened to the song, and the song playing in the car was "life is like summer flowers", and it was in the single cycle mode -

the past week.

Every day, as long as people are in the car, Zhao Jue listens to this song. Unexpectedly, she is not tired of listening to it. Occasionally, she hums along with the melody of the song in a good mood.

Maybe this song has a very special meaning for Zhao Jue's life.

"That's right."

When he was about to arrive at the company, Zhao Jue suddenly told Lin Yuan: "although" Sheng Ru Xia Hua "was the second, the statistics of download growth in the past week was higher than the first, so after today's morning meeting, the company officially decided to compete with Shahai for the first place in the new elite list!"

"Second place?"

Lin Yuan is a little happy to hear that.

Zhao Jue was choked and speechless.

She would like to carry Lin Yuan's ear to emphasize: please, can you pay a little attention to the performance of your songs?

In the end, Zhao Jue held back.

She just gave Lin Yuan a prophylactic injection and said, "but the first place is a bit special, so I'm not sure it will be successful."

Lin Yuan nodded.

He didn't know that, in fact, Xing mang didn't intend to let Sheng Ru Xia Hua compete for the first place. After all, the first place has a strong sense of existence, and the price of competing for the list is too high.


Lin Yuan's song is really competitive, and the download rate has always been higher than the number one song;

in addition, Zhao Jue found a company senior who can make a decision on this matter, made full use of the language art, and made a very bewitching remark:

"we can add a little jam to Shahai!"

This is where Zhao Jue's sophistication lies.

If she wants to directly say that she wants to increase the promotion of resources for "Sheng Ru Xia Hua" and compete for the first place in the new elite list, senior leaders may not be willing to.

After all, it's just a new song for new people. It's not cost-effective to spend too much money on publicity.

But if we do this, can we add to the sand sea?

The high-level just hesitated a little and nodded in agreement.

It's just a matter of spending more money. It's great to disgust your opponent.

Who makes the three entertainment companies in Qinzhou not harmonious? Shahai and xingmang have not been able to deal with each other?

The specific reasons can not be traced.

Anyway, peers all over the world are enemies.

The most important thing is that after the decision, the whole network has thoroughly spread out the publicity for "life like summer flowers" to create momentum for this song!

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