Chapter 45

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For the whole novel market, sports is a very popular theme.

Especially when the exotic adventure novels are popular, this kind of theme is lack of readers.

So even if Wangwang's reputation is booming, the editors don't have too high expectations for the sales volume of the novel, but now it seems that many people have lost sight of it.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

The editor in chief's mood at the moment is full of ups and downs.

The female director was stunned for a moment, and then she looked at them sympathetically: "don't you know? I informed the editor in chief on the day when Wangwang was out of stock. It seems that our editor in chief didn't tell you."

The chief editor and the deputy chief editor were in a cool mood.

They still know the editor in chief's character. They didn't inform their editorial department of such a big thing, which can only explain one reason:

the editor in chief is not happy.

The company has four editorial departments. Each editorial department is responsible for different categories of works. At the same time, each editorial department is also equipped with chief editor and deputy chief editor. They are responsible for youth fantasy novels.

The chief editor of the four editorial departments is the chief editor of the company.

The female director was not angry when she saw that they were so miserable. She just said with a smile, "do you know that the editorial department is actually the same? Shipping is my responsibility. Can your editorial department produce a batch of goods for me?"

That's the truth.

The editorial department is only responsible for the selection and control of the quality of novels, and sales is not their responsibility.

However, under normal circumstances, this kind of thing will be notified to the editorial department.

The chief editor should be expressing his dissatisfaction this time, so the chief editor and deputy chief editors will not know the situation until today.

"How many orders are there now?"

The chief editor forced down the complicated mood.

A voice came from behind: "at present, the orders of major bookstores in Qinzhou amount to 400000 copies, which will be sent to major bookstores tomorrow. However, considering the follow-up market demand, I asked the publishing department to print another 500000 copies directly."

"Good editor!"

The three turned around at the same time and looked at the man behind them. This man is the editor in chief of the silver blue library, one of the most powerful people in the company.


The editor in chief nodded, his dignified eyes filled with discontent: "the decision to publish 100000 copies of Wangwang in advance is very stupid, but your editorial department has not finished this novel. I'll spare you once."


The chief editor and deputy chief editors were pardoned.

Thanks to them in order to enrich the novel market theme and put "Wangwang" into the first edition of supernova quota, if you miss such a treasure mountain, that company's loss is too big.

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