Chapter 166-170

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For the companies that can make it to the top 100 of music production companies, the importance of the list is self-evident.

Because the ranking of this list, in a sense, is the overall strength ranking of the company in Qizhou.

This is an important bargaining chip in order negotiation!

Therefore, every music production company in Qizhou attaches great importance to its own ranking changes.

It seems that it's just a small matter for xingmang to rush to the 100th place.

Especially on the surface, fire music is the only victim.

However, this does not prevent some companies ranking close to star music from feeling nervous, especially after these fans clearly see the reason why star music has entered the list -

"just one person?"

"Isn't this songwriter named Xianyu a little too fierce, and he even made two five-star lists in a short time, including three million theme song orders for thunder TV series?"

"Our position is not stable."

"There's something about this fish envy. Which of the top 100 companies on the list is led by one person?"

"If this envious fish plays well enough, it seems that all of our 90 companies will have the risk of ranking down?"


This kind of tension roughly belongs to the companies in the bottom 90 of the list.

Companies before the nineties don't have to worry about starlight threatening their positions.

Because the disadvantages of xingmang music are too big. No matter how strong the fish is, it's only one person after all.

Therefore, compared with those companies whose ranking is very close to star music, the companies before the nineties are more of a theater mentality.

This fire won't burn them.

However, the fact that Xianyu leads a company forward by himself really amazes many companies of Party B.

They can not see the star music in the eyes, but will not face the fish with the same attitude.

In fact, after the completion of these two orders, Xianyu has attracted the attention of many people in the industry in Qizhou.

And in the forefront of the list of Party B.

At present, lone wolf company, which ranks No.13 in the list, of course does not care about the mutual pecking between the bottom companies -

for lone wolf, all the companies whose ranking is lower than 50 belong to the rank of vegetable chicken. As for the companies that are not in the top 100 of the list, they are not even vegetable chicken.

At this point.

At the plenary meeting of lone wolf composing department, the director is holding a mobilization meeting:

"red moon is competing with us for the order of seven star entertainment. Even if we want to defeat red moon, we must win this order. I hope all senior composers of the company will participate in this order. Party A requires that I have already sent it to your respective hands. It's better for you to think widely Benefit, of course, will not let you work in vain, the company can distribute the share according to your contribution! "

No mistake.

Because Seven Star Entertainment opened a competitive order this time, so now there are five companies competing for this order.

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