Chapter 37

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Yang Feng can swear that he is definitely not a man who stands up and stands up, but when he sees such a novel about tennis competition in front of him, he almost instinctively frowns -

there is nothing wrong with novelty.

But you're too new, aren't you?

Sports novels, even if you write about football or basketball or table tennis, at least we have more or less contact with these types of sports, and there are not a few people who like them. Why should we choose tennis with relatively high threshold?

Novelty is novelty.

Niche is also true niche.

However, as a professional editor, although Yang Feng has a lot of psychological activities, he won't beat this contribution to death. If the author has potential, he is still very happy to meet him.

It's normal in fiction.

When encountering potential authors, even if the other party fails to write, editors will try to cultivate them. Even many novelists succeed under the cultivation of editors. Of course, in this process, they are likely to encounter innumerable negations from editors.

The computer turns to the first page.

Yang Feng began to review the manuscript.

If we don't talk about the story itself, he still likes the author who dares to write about tennis. Yang Feng appreciates the spirit of not succumbing to the market. If most writers have this spirit, the novel market will not be so homogenized.

The story begins.

On a tram going to the youth School Park, a young man of a campus tennis team was teaching his new teammate how to hold the racket while waving it. As a result, he accidentally hit a girl in the face.


The young man looked at the little girl and continued to teach his new players. However, when he was spitting and waving his racket, a cold voice rang out: "you are very noisy."

The speaker is a teenager.

The young man was about to get angry when he carried his tennis bag on his back and corrected himself before he got off the bus: "it's the right western grip to hold the racket flat from the top; it's the traditional oriental grip to hold the racket face straight and feel like a handshake."


Unexpectedly, he was taught by a young man. The young man couldn't hang on his face and glared at him to correct himself. But when he wanted to say more, the young man got out of the car and left.


Yang Feng nodded.

The beginning of the story seems to be OK. Even if he doesn't know tennis, he can understand the basic knowledge of tennis. Moreover, the protagonist seems to be correcting the youth. In fact, he has the idea to vent his anger for the injured girl.

The scene changes.

Several boys are discussing around a list. One of them is: "this year, there is a newcomer in the tennis Department of our school who has just entered the school and doesn't need to be a substitute to play directly as a starter."


"How could it be?"

"The mistake of registration."

Some of his peers doubted: "freshmen just finished high school, how can they be qualified to join the tennis Department of our school directly, and they are also the first member of the tennis department. We should know that the tennis Department of our school is the reserve of professional players!"

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