Chapter 67

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Lin Yuan naturally does not understand Gu Xi's series of psychological activities. Not long after he left, the phone rang, coming from a strange number.

Old rule, hang up.

There is a way for the other party to call.

Finding that Lin Yuan didn't speak, the other party guessed that Chu Kuang was interested and couldn't help raising his tone: "please rest assured that our tribal literature will not interfere with the results of the 30 writers' competition. The final top three will be decided by our readers of tribal literature!"

"And the rules?"

Lin Yuan has the idea to participate.

The editor in chief named Wei long said: "the rules are very simple. We don't limit the subject matter, but we limit the number of words. The number of words in the entries can't be more than 10000. After all, what the competition wants is short stories. Readers on the Internet don't have the patience to read too long articles. In my opinion, it's better not to exceed 5000 words..."

I had a pause.

Wei long continued: "after receiving the manuscripts from various writers, our tribal literature will be promoted in the name of the government, and the scope of this promotion is definitely larger than that of traditional paper magazines..."

Lin Yuan is thoughtful.

The audience of tribal literature is really wide, which is determined by the nature of the platform itself. The number of users they have is higher than that of any magazine. When they do this, they only need to consider how many users will be converted into readers.

"To tell you the truth."

Wei long said with a smile: "we originally intended to directly invite writers to participate, but considering that this activity may imitate the form of the music circle season list for a long time, we finally adopted this form. I don't know what your intention is?"

"I'll think about it."

Lin Yuan's reply was that he already had an idea in his mind.

The other party also guessed this, so he said: "OK, this number is your address book. I'll add your friends and send the email to your address book later. If you have any ideas, please hand in the draft before the end of this month, because the selection will start at the beginning of next month."


Lin Yuan hung up.

As a matter of fact, Lin Yuan was invited to write Qu Du.

Because of the fire of Maggie's gift, the magazine's sales have increased a lot, so the magazine wants to cooperate with Lin Yuan for a long time.

But now it seems that the activities of tribal literature are more cost-effective.

Lin Yuan has no sense of belonging to the silver blue library. After all, what he signed with the silver blue library is a work, not a person. He has the right to choose his own publishing platform, which is why he chose tribal literature when he first uploaded "artificial beauty".


During the Spring Festival, Lin Yuan took advantage of his sister's luck to draw five short stories at one go. At present, he has used two of them, and there are still three stories to choose from.

"That's it."

Choice doesn't need to be too tangled.

Because no matter what Lin Yuan thinks, the remaining three stories are not bad, and the specific achievements depend on the readers' taste.

However, Lin Yuan's task is not only to choose one of the stories, he also needs to change the background of the novel to make it more suitable for a certain era of Bluestar -

because the system gives five original stories.

Therefore, "the gift of Maggie" is adapted by Lin Yuan himself, such as the conversion of money, as well as the conversion of background and so on.

By contrast.

Lin Yuan's first release of "artificial beauty" does not have a clear background of the times and does not need much change, so it is the easiest to write.

The explanation of this system is:

the system can help with the adaptation which is too complicated, but the story of "the gift of Maggie" with a total of several thousand words still needs Lin Yuan's hands.

Lin Yuan did not resist.

People have more than 10 billion brain cells, and they can adapt thousands of words of content. They can't die much, and they can also have a sense of participation.

It's true.

Although he didn't know how many brain cells he had died, Lin Yuan went back to his residence in the evening and changed the background of the story with his computer, but it took less than two hours, one of which was used to look up the information.

It's right to be strict in this kind of thing.

As for writing the original, it's only 20 minutes.

After changing the novel, Lin Yuan didn't immediately send it to Weilong's mailbox, but thought about sending it again in a few days.

If you send it to the other party on the same day, doesn't it expose the fact that you have saved the manuscript?

Turn off the computer. Lin Yuan is ready to go to bed.


While Lin Yuan is going to have a rest, Gu Xi is nervously waiting for a friend's call in front of a desk in an apartment.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

She quickly connected: "how about it?"

"Miss Gu, it took me a long time to help you. You have to treat me to a big meal later."

"I invite you!""You have a conscience. The man you inquired about is Lin Yuan. He is really a student of composition department. He is a sophomore this year."

"What else?"

"Lin Yuan is quiet. It is said that he is not in good health, but his classmates have a good opinion of him. They say that he has a good character and never conflicts with others. That's all. I don't know what's superfluous."

Gu Xi

People who never have conflicts with their classmates have conflicts with me. How annoying am I?

"That's right."

Friend asked: "why do you want to inquire about Lin Yuan? Isn't it greedy? Don't you Miss Gu always have eyes above the top? "

"It's not his body that I crave..."

Gu Xi sighed: "you won't understand. Can you give me some advice and tell me how to please someone?"

"Of course, it's what you like."

"But I don't know what he likes."

"In my experience, 99% of people like money. Of course, I'm talking about vulgar people like me."

"He's not vulgar at all."

Gu Xi sighed again: "if only he liked money He can't like money... "

How can a fairy like person like money?

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