Chapter 55

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Chu Kuang published short stories?

After receiving this tweet, many fans' first reaction was -

did Chu Kuang release the fanwai of Wangwang on the tribe?

It's normal to have this idea.

Some writers just like to publish some free publications that they don't intend to publish through tribes to interact with readers.

But Chu Kuang is obviously not a person who likes to interact with fans.

When you follow the tribal push point to come in, you find that it's not Fan Wai at all. It's just Chu Kuang who wrote a mini novel.

"It would be nice if Wang had been a Fan Wai."

At this time, "Wang" has been out to the second volume, the fan group is still quite large, found that it is not Fan Wai, a lot of people are disappointed.

For example, Zhu Ming, a senior high school student in Qinzhou mountain city, is a big fan of Wangwang.

"You should read more nutritious books."

Zhu Ming's elder sister, Zhu Hui, has always been very opposed to his younger brother's youth fantasy novels, so he took the opportunity to reprimand Zhu Ming.

Zhu Hui is biased against youth fantasy novels.

Because she once read this type of book. The protagonist in the book travels to a different world and revolves around a group of beautiful girls every day. In the end, all the girls become the protagonist's wives. Occasionally, the description contains some adult content

"I said it all."

The younger brother refuted Zhu Hui: "Wangwang is different from those novels. This novel is about tennis. Other professional players say it's well written, and many girls like it very much."

"Is it?"

Zhu Hui is dubious.

She simply sat in front of the computer, which was logging her brother's tribal account: "you just said that Chu Kuang just sent a short story. This is your favorite writer. I'd like to see what he wrote."

"Short stories are not youth fantasies."

"As long as it's written by the same person."

"Look at Wangwang. I have a physical book."

"Don't bother. Sometimes you can get to know someone through words." With these words, Zhu Hui casually opened this short story called "artificial beauty" and began to read it.

The content is really short.

At the beginning of the story, the owner of a bar saw that his bar was going to close down. He made a robot that could drink with the guests. Because the robot girl decided the fate of the bar, the owner took a lot of pains to make her very beautiful.

Her skin as white as jade is not inferior to that of any girl. She can completely confuse the real with the fake.

People who don't know the inside story will think that this is the most delicate woman they have ever seen!

When customers saw a beautiful young woman at the bar counter, they all rushed to greet her.

When the other person asks about her name and age, she can still smile and answer calmly, but if she asks further, she can't answer -

however, no one realizes that she is a robot.

So the bar was on fire.

More and more people came to the bar to invite the beauty to drink.

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