Chapter 73

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There is an independent office above the painting club.

Luo Wei, as the president of the painting society, has not come to the Painting Society for a long time recently because of the serious problem of failing to study. I didn't expect that just when she came to the painting society today, she was blocked by several students to complain --

"tuition teaching?"

Luo Wei feels fresh, picked to pick eyebrow: "have who?"

Several of the complainants were filled with indignation: "Zhong Yu, Li Jia and Zhao Yanhao often participated in Lin Yuan's free sketch teaching, which led to the bad atmosphere of our painting society."

"How long has it been?"

"More than ten days."

Luo Wei is thoughtful: "no wonder..."

A few students who complained were stunned, but the president didn't fly into a rage. Some people were not willing to say:

"no wonder what?"

Luo Wei took a look at the person who opened her mouth and tapped her fingers on the table: "no wonder the sketch scores of Zhong Yu and Li Jia have improved so fast recently."


"They are in the same class as me. You know, in yesterday's sketch test, Zhong Yu's class was the fourth, and Li Jia's class was the fifth. They were not so powerful before. I wonder how their level suddenly improved so much. It turned out that we found a private teacher in the painting society. Our private teacher's level was unexpectedly high." Luo Wei said.


The complainants were stunned.

At this time, Shen Liang, the vice president, just came in.

Luo Wei looked at each other and laughed: "you've come just in time. I heard that our painting agency has recently come to a great God of sketch to teach for free?"


Shen Liang looked at several complainants: "this does not violate the regulations of our painting society. In addition, I have done an investigation. The level of people who have received Lin Yuan's sketch training has improved very quickly. It is voluntary for people to spend money to improve themselves, and the result also proves that they have not been cheated."

"I see. You guys, go back."

Luo Wei looked at several complainants and said faintly, "it may be helpful for your level to focus on painting. It's impossible for this level of sketching masters to teach for money, or do you think Zhong Yu is not as smart as you? These guys are good at it. They will pay for things that are not good for them? "


Several complainants looked at each other, then left in dismay.

Luo Wei looked at the figure of these people and said with interest: "it seems that she is really a master. However, after teaching for such a long time, she has raised the level of these guys by a large margin. When I finish the make-up exam, I must meet him."

"It's really amazing. I don't think there is anyone in our club who has a higher level of sketch than him."

Zheng Liang said: "in fact, at the beginning, I also felt that his fee based teaching method was not good, but when I saw that the sketch scores of the guys who studied with him all improved very quickly, I realized that what people care about may not be money at all, but it's just to make learners cherish opportunities more But President, you are so serious every year. Will you be repeated? Are you going to be my schoolgirl in the future? "

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