Chapter 38

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"At the beginning, the readers expect the strength of the protagonist by using the technique of side contrast, and then show the protagonist's ability directly with a full-blown tennis match in the expectation of the readers. In the game, the protagonist is retaliated by the opponent, but still chooses to use the way of tennis to fight in the face. To a certain extent, this plot describes the protagonist's character..."

Yang Feng is summing up the plot.

After summing up the plot, he showed the rest.

After reading the contribution of 100000 words, Yang Feng was surprised to find that this novel is actually a group play!

Each member of the youth tennis team has his own character and ability, and the main line of the story is to focus on each game to describe the growth of these characters.

In the youth fantasy novels, there are not only the themes of attacking the harem and conquering the alien world.

There is also a theme called chasing dreams!

However, there are not many people who write such novels now.

This novel, Wang Wang, tells the story of young people pursuing their dreams and striving to become a professional tennis player -

Yang Feng likes it very much!

But then, Yang Feng hesitated.

Although "Wangwang" is in line with Yang Feng's taste and novel enough, the theme and direction of this story is indeed a little less popular.

And the tastes between editors are different.

Maybe Yang Feng's wonderful stories are just ordinary in the eyes of other editors.

Do you want to push?

After struggling for about a minute, Yang Feng decided to stick to his own judgment -


The editor has the right to recommend the works he meets after reviewing.

The works recommended by the editor will be reviewed by the chief editor and deputy chief editor of the publishing house.

If the chief editor and deputy chief editors also think that the novel can be published, it means that the novel can be published.


If you can't pass the editor in chief, it also means that Yang Feng's performance is in vain. Only the successful recommendation can be regarded as the editor's performance.

Of course.

Even if you want to recommend it, Yang Feng has to finish reviewing other manuscripts, otherwise it will be unfair to other contributors.

But Yang Feng has a hunch.

The rest of the manuscript, probably no more than "Wang" let him more satisfied with the work.

Thinking of this, Yang Feng turned over the contributors' information of Wangwang.

The rhythm of this novel is very sophisticated. I don't know if it's a reincarnated vest monster who will contribute?

It's also normal.

There may be some novelists in the industry who have already made their debut, because they don't get along well, and will come to participate in the New Talent Awards of supernova in their waistcoats.

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