Chapter 59

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The next day, eight o'clock.

Lin Yuan went out without breakfast.

The purpose of his going out this time is to buy a house!

Lin Yuan's bank card has a novel contribution fee from Wang Wang last month. After tax, he actually got 1.25 million yuan.

Plus the number of downloads of several songs, it has reached 2 million.

Among them, the songs are mainly from "flammable and explosive" released last month.

Then came the short story the gift of Maggie, which sold for another 200000 yuan.

Originally, the money could not be paid until next month, but Lin Yuan wanted to enrich his wallet before buying a house, so he directly asked the silver blue library to advance the manuscript fee.

Silver Blue library and Lin Yuan cooperation is happy, so the other side also readily agreed.

At present, the 200000 has been called.

So now Lin Yuan has about 2.2 million yuan on hand, and his idea of buying a house is completely out of control.

In fact, as soon as Lin Yuan got home, he wanted to buy a house.

Because the house they live in now is a little rough, and life is very inconvenient.

Take it.

The size of a house with two bedrooms and one living room is really limited.

It's OK at ordinary times. It's enough for my mother to live alone.

But when the new year comes, everyone will come back, and the space for four people will be very crowded.

What to do?

Lin Yuan can only have a room by himself, because he is the only boy in the family.

Then the master bedroom where my mother was forced to separate into two rooms.

Sister and sister sleep in the left compartment, and the two squeeze into a bed.

Mom sleeps in the right cubicle.

The sound insulation is poor and the space is small. Going to the toilet in the morning and taking a bath in the evening, the toilet has to be used in turn. According to everyone's living habits, it's very uncomfortable, but no one will complain.

Now that we have money, why do we have to put the family in such a narrow space?

Moreover, the living conditions of the old house are not good. From the decoration and furniture conditions of the house itself, to the surrounding facilities, and then to the all-round backward transportation, it's hard for my mother to live alone in this kind of place.

It is imperative to buy a house.

Before he came out to buy a house, Lin Yuan went out of his way to check it on the Internet. As a result, he found that two million is enough to buy a good house in Yuncheng.

After all, Yuncheng is just a small city in Qinzhou.

I was worried that I didn't have enough money. I really thought too much.

Of course, Lin Yuan also considered taking his mother to Su Cheng to live, but when he mentioned it in secret last night, his mother refused. For the time being, she was reluctant to leave her hometown where she had lived for many years.

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