Chapter 75

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Take a deep breath, Wei long read the death of little civil servant from beginning to end.

Read it for the second time.

Wei Long's expression was a little complicated, and he uttered two words:


I look down on Chu.

This is not a simple story that people can't help laughing after reading.

There seems to be a light humor between the lines of Chu maniac, but in fact they are full of extremely spicy irony!

Even if the big man expresses his understanding, the small man will inevitably be frightened, because the big man has the ability to easily control the fate of the small man.

This is the sorrow of being a little man.

Chu Kuang didn't write the story background clearly.

But this is obviously an era in which a general can decide the life and death of a small civil servant. It seems that he constructed this story to criticize the oppression of the feudal autocracy on the bottom of the society at that time

However, this understanding is very rudimentary.

After reading the story, think about it carefully. What happened in the past? Isn't it true that we live in the modern world?

The subordinates often supplement the thoughts of the superiors, and then make the correct interpretation;

the employees in the workplace are just stared at by the leaders, and then reflect on what they have done wrong anxiously;

if someone offends the leaders carelessly, they must be full of the fear of "being put on small shoes".

Just like a news that Weilong saw last time:

it's just a company leader of a sales company who can let employees climb on the ground and punish employees whose performance fails to meet the standard in an insulting way

Wei long was puzzled for a time.

What made him even more puzzling was that the group of employees did not resist and obediently did so, which was the same as the nature of the general's decision on the life and death of civil servants.

Some phenomena in the world will never be eliminated.

That's why so many "little civil servants" have died.

If you know the mind of the superior, you can get the appreciation of the important person; but if you make a mistake, it may be difficult in the future.

Most of the time, it is the small civil servants themselves who put on the bondage of servility.

Why do you feel funny?

Why don't you think the story is exaggerated?

Because of this situation, it is common in modern society.

Chu Kuang's intention is too high.

This novel is obviously using the past to satirize the present!

To criticize some social phenomena and express one's own thoughts in a short span of more than one thousand words is a brilliant style of writing.

This is the art of satire!

It's hard to imagine that when the vast majority of the short stories in the election campaign are still pursuing storytelling and interest, Chu maniac has already begun to pursue to express some of his thoughts in words, which is why Wei long is shocked

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