Chapter 31

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There is nothing new in the sun.

Gorgeous silver light and Shahai's encirclement and suppression of xingmang entertainment naturally cannot hide the eyes of the industry.

As for the root cause?

Want to know with buttocks, it must be because of Zhao yingcr!

Before the three major competitors Zhao yingcr at the same time, they all tried their best. In the end, Zhao yingcr chose xingmang. How can Yinguang and Shahai swallow this breath?

No, the counterattack started.

In this industry, many people have a dog nose.

A little wind and grass in the circle, they can smell the smell of gunpowder hidden in it.

Then again.

Watching Qinzhou's three major entertainment companies pinch each other has become a reserved project for many people in the industry.

If there is no trouble among the three, everyone will feel abnormal.

November is the new list.

December is to encircle and suppress Zhao yingcr.

The old three proved with their strength that they would never let the melon eating masses down.

Make trouble, make trouble!

As for the joint efforts of Yinguang and Shahai, it's not new. Similar situations often occur among the three.

Sometimes it's silver and sand.

Sometimes Shahai and xingmang join hands.

In any case, anyone who dares to be in the limelight will lead to the joint encirclement and suppression of the other two families, which must be brought down.

For this reason, the melon eating people in the industry have made a lot of comments:

"this joint effort of Yinguang and Shahai is totally three inches ahead of xingmang."

"The timing is really good."

"It's hard for Zhao yingcr to ride a tiger. He can't change his schedule at all. If he changes it hard, it will be delayed until March next year."

"The day lily is cold in March."

"That is, Zhao yingcr, the champion of" full bloom ", can't wait until March at all, so she can only fight against her back."

"Zhao Ying is more evil than good."

"Two front-line singers, Yinguang and Shahai, have also given Zhao yingcr a full face this time."


The media is not idle.

A lot of News reported this matter for the first time, and the focus of all the articles was: "in January, silver light and sand sea, who will win the championship?"

Xingmang has become cannon fodder in the eyes of the industry.

Not many people are optimistic about Zhao yingcr's comeback. It's no joke that the influence of first-line singers and ACE composers.

And now.

Silver inside.

Chen Zhiyu was in a little mood and complained to his agent: "I plan to release a new song next March. The company suddenly changed me to suppress a new singer next month. Have they asked me about my wishes?"

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