Chapter 32

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"What the hell?"

The agent was stunned, but soon he was full of smiles: "I came to congratulate you. Your new single" brilliant "is now the champion of the new song list. This season, you have been the first to reach the top!"

"To the top?"

Chen Zhiyu looked at the agent: "I realized today that the title of this song is not very auspicious. Do you know what is short-term glory?"

"Bah, bah, bah!"

The agent complained: "don't curse yourself if you have nothing to do. The new song was released at seven in the morning, and now it's nine o'clock." brilliant "has reached the top in two hours, which shows that our song is the strongest this season. Even Shahai has been compared with us. Zheng Liang's caramel is now ranked second, and the data is a little worse than us. As long as we maintain the advantage to suppress Zheng Liang, it will be the champion of this season It's steady! "

"You are such a poisonous milk." Chen Zhiyu looks dejected.

Seeing Chen Zhiyu's appearance, the agent became more and more dissatisfied: "Chen Zhiyu, what's the matter with you? Are you still dissatisfied when you reach the top? Are you complaining about the company sending you out to crack down on new people? Well, I admit that the company has done something wrong, but the chief has promised to give you a concert. Cheer me up. "

"Crush new people?"

Chen Zhiyu said with a smile: "it's not certain who will crack down. If the company wants to steal chicken, it can't eat rice. Don't put the pot on my head."

"What is it?"

The agent suddenly laughed: "are you afraid of Zhao yingcr? I'm an old singer. I'm sure I'm stable enough. In fact, I'm a little worried about our rollover. So before I came here, I specially looked at the ranking of inflammable and explosive. It's just the tenth place. It's still thousands of miles away from your current ranking. I don't believe it. "

The agent said, with a mobile phone to open a new song list.

Looking at the ranking, he was suddenly stunned: "eh? Why seventh? I just saw the tenth one. There's something wrong with the list? "


Chen Zhiyu was not surprised at all. He worked hard and happily with an enigmatic look: "I suggest you try to refresh later. There are surprises."


The agent was almost subconscious, and then he ordered a refresh, and then he was dumbfounded and widened his eyes:

"I'm going, sixth?"

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Chen Zhiyu.

Even a fool should realize that things are not right.

Chen Zhiyu shrugged: "it seems that we Yinguang and Shahai have become perfect green leaves. You can wait. The headline of tomorrow's news is that Zhao yingcr, the champion of Shengfang, is stepping on the shoulders of two front-line singers."

"It's not that mysterious, is it?"

The agent was in a state of suspense.

He didn't dare to leave, so he stayed with Chen Zhiyu.

Two big eyes stare small eyes, silent for half an hour, agent talent once again open new song ranking.

"What time is it?"

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