Chapter 72

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Shen Liang, the vice president of the painting society, usually works in the next room. Occasionally when he is tired of painting, he comes out for a walk, but this time he sees a group of people gathered together -

this often happens in the painting society.

As long as there is a great god painting in the hall, there will be a lot of members around, hoping to learn some skills through close observation. But the problem is that the great God of the painting society is not here today, so what are these people doing together?

So he came over.

Let's get out of the way.

Shen Liang saw Lin Yuan's painting at a glance, and his eyes widened for a moment. Until he looked at Lin Yuan, he suddenly remembered that this is not the new man who has just been called to clean up by himself?

This level, is it new?

Still talking about painting this year?

Shen Liang just felt shocked. He didn't believe that Lin Yuan had just come into contact with painting, because the level of sketch shown in this painting was the top in the whole painting society!

But it doesn't matter.

What's important is that the painting society has a great Sketcher!

He suddenly stepped forward and actively extended his right hand to Lin Yuan: "Vice President Shen Liang, on behalf of the painting society, I welcome you to join us!"

"Hello, Lin Yuan."

Lin Yuan shook hands with each other.

Shen Liang looked around and said, "go ahead and get busy."

People around them looked at Lin Yuan's paintings again, and then they left reluctantly, leaving only Zhong Yu.

"What are you doing here?"

Zhong Yu said weakly, "this is my position."

When Shen Liang heard that Yan didn't pay any attention to him, he just turned to Lin Yuan and said with a smile, "your sketch is so good. If you want to paint quietly in the future, you can go to the next room."

The next room is for the great gods of the painting society.

The area is not large, but it is spacious enough for the small number of gods in the community. The most important thing is to avoid being surrounded.


Lin Yuan refused, and then looked at Zhong Yu: "count you an hour."

Zhong Yu immediately said, "big God, add the address book, I'll transfer money for you."


Lin Yuan added the address book with the other party, and then received the transfer of 300 yuan.

"Three hundred?"

"You're welcome, Dashen."


Lin Yuan nodded.

Next to Shen Liang stunned: "this is?"

Zhong Yu explained: "I asked the great God to teach me how to sketch, 200 yuan an hour."

Shen Liang

It's the first time that this phenomenon has appeared in the painting society. It's reasonable that he should criticize it. However, for fear of Lin Yuan's displeasure, he can only admit that it's not easy for the painting society to have one more God.

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