Nice to Meet You

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Miranda made her way into Grey Sloan memorial where she had spent over 20 years of her life. She did her internship, residency and she'd been a general surgery attending there for the last 18 years. She always wanted to be chief of surgery like her mentor and friend Dr. Richard Webber. But it hadn't happened because she was busy trying to prove to her husband she could be a good wife and mother not just a surgeon.

Miranda walked to her office that Richard had gifted her with all those years ago. She placed her purse and bag in her office before going to get some scrubs to change into and heading to the OR board.

Ben Warren walked onto the surgical floor and looked around. He had been an anesthesiologist for most of his career until he decided that he wanted to be on the other side of the curtain doing the surgery. He completed his education in Los Angeles at UCLA and decided to come back to Seattle, taking a attending position at Grey Sloan Memorial.

As he continued to take in his surroundings he saw a short, full figured, curvy attending standing at the OR board. He smirked and raised his eyebrow looking at her from behind as he walked over to the OR board.

"Good morning," Ben said looking down at  the short attending.

Miranda looked up hearing a deep, smooth voice. When she looked up she saw this handsome, brown skinned man with a perfect smile. She instantly felt nervous with him standing beside her.

"Good morning, you must be new," Miranda said as she put her focus back on the OR board.

Ben looked down at the short attending whose body he was just admiring. Now that he was looking into her face she was gorgeous with her big brown eyes, wide button nose and big, plump lips. She had so much authority in her voice and in her presence and he'd always had a thing for women in authority.

"Yes I am new here, I just took the position as a general surgeon attending. But Seattle is actually home. Maybe I could scrub into your surgery and tell you more." Ben with a smirk on his face.

"Well doctor...."

"Sorry, I'm Dr. Benjamin Warren but you can call me Ben."

"Dr. Warren, I'm Dr. Miranda Bailey and usually it's an attending and a resident because this is a teaching hospital."

"Well I don't see a resident by your name and I'm sure you don't want an intern," Ben said smirking.

Miranda rolled her eyes and smirked.

"Alright Dr. Warren, we have a surgery in an hour so I need you to read our patient's chart, along with my surgical plan and get the patient ready for pre-op," Miranda instructed.

"Yes Dr. Bailey," Ben replied as he watched her hips sway as she walked away.

Ben bit his bottom lip and grabbed the chart before walking into the patient's room. Ben walked into the scrub room,  stood beside Miranda and began to scrub. He watched her as she scrubbed, making sure to get in between nails. She already had a focused look on her face which showed because her plump bottom lip stuck out slightly more.

"So Dr. Bailey, how long have you been a general surgeon?"

Miranda continued to look down at her hands while she scrubbed. She didn't want to make eye contact with Ben because for some odd reason he made her nervous.

"Hmmm I started as an intern in 2003 and Dr. Webber quickly became my mentor so I would say for the last eighteen years." Miranda answered plainly trying not to sound nervous.

Ben nodded his head at her answer as he continued to scrub. Without having even seen her in surgery he could tell she was great at her job just by the way she interacted with patients and her attention to details. So he was excited for the surgery even though it was a simple appendectomy.

Once they were done scrubbing the OR nurse gowned and gloves them and Miranda stepped onto her step stool and Ben chuckled.

Miranda glared at him unamused. "Oh so do you think it's funny that I need a step stool because I'm short?" Miranda shot at him.

Ben looked at her, "No I think it's cute."

"Oh so I'm cute because I'm short?"

Ben bit his bottom lip to keep from laughing and was glad he had a mask on.

"How about I just say that your small stature suits you well."

Miranda glanced up at him glad that he couldn't see that she was smiling and blushing.

"Weren't you supposed to finish telling me about yourself Dr. Warren."

Ben raised his eyebrows because he noticed that Miranda had a way of seeming uninterested but her words said otherwise.

"Well I was an anesthesiologist for several years and then five years ago I decided that I didn't want to sit on the other side of the curtain anymore. No offense," he said looking at the anesthesiologist.

"I interned and completed my residency at UCLA then I decided that I wanted to come back home so I applied for this job, interview and took the offer. Now I'm here....with you," Ben said looking intently at her.

Miranda noticed the emphasis on the ending of is last words and glanced up at him.

"Let's just focus on this surgery," Miranda said blushing once more.

When the surgery was done, Ben agreed to watch their patient and Miranda hurried to her genome lab. Miranda loved surgery but she loved being a scientist just as much.

Miranda smiled as she used the pipette to insert the DNA mixture into the tubes to chill. Then she worked on the ones she'd already extracted DNA from and began to analyze the gene sequences to find the any mutations.

Ben finished rounding on patients and he was ready for some dinner. He quickly thought of Miranda and wondered if she was still there because he hadn't seen her since the surgery. Just as he was walking down the hallway, he stopped realizing that he saw her sitting in a lab.

He stood and watched her for a moment as she worked so contently. He smiled because there was something about her that he really liked. He could tell she was strong, intelligent, compassionate and sweet once you got to know her.

Ben knocked on the door which startled her and she quickly turned around to look at him. She took a breath and then turned back to her work.

Ben walked into the lab slowly, "I found you."

"Why were you looking for me? You could've paged me."

"Searching for you was much more fun. Our patient is doing well....and I hungry so I was going to order some takeout. Would you like to share dinner with me?" Ben asked as he stood across from Miranda.

Miranda continued to stare at the gene sequences on the computer.

"Dr. Warren are you married?" Miranda asked bluntly.

"Hmmm no are you?"

"Yes I am and I have been for almost 30 years.

"'s a long time to be together. Well congrats on 30 years," Ben said surprised and slightly disappointed.

"Yeah it is....thank you."

"I apologize if me asking about dinner made you think that I was coming onto you."

Miranda glanced up at him for a moment, "it's okay....I probably shouldn't have assumed."

"Well it's common to assume when something feels obvious. You are a beautiful woman, but we can agree to be friends. So how about dinner with your new friend." Ben said cheerful.

"Maybe another time Benjamin, I have to go home and eat the dinner that I promised my husband I would enjoy," Miranda said logging out of the computer and getting up.

"Guess I will see you tomorrow then," Ben said slowly as he walked out of the lab behind Miranda.

"Yeah, good night Dr. Warren," Miranda said walking away towards her office.

Ben watched her for a moment with his hands in his scrub pants pockets before walking the opposite way.

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