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Ben was so excited for his day with Miranda. He wanted to buy her flowers that he saw when he walked to the restaurant but she wouldn't be able to take them home. They were meeting at a breakfast spot by the water and Ben arrived early so he was waiting for Miranda.

She'd sent him a text thirty minutes ago saying she was on the freeway and the more that time ticked by the more anxious Ben was for her arrive. Ben looked up and Miranda walked in and looked around. Ben stood up so that she could see him and she smiled as she walked towards him. She had on a black form fitting wrap dress that looked amazing on her. Ben enjoyed seeing her in scrubs but her regular clothes looked beautiful on her. Her hair was curled and sitting on her shoulders. She wore just enough makeup to make her facial features stand out more. To Ben she looked absolutely stunning.

Ben stood up as she got to the table, "Miranda Bailey you look gorgeous," Ben complimented as he kissed her cheek and pulled out her chair.

"Thank you," Miranda blushed as she sat down.

"So Benjamin Warren what do you have planned for us today," Miranda asked as she looked at the menu.

"Well at first I wanted to go see a movie but if you like live music, I hear there is a small jazz concert happening in Kerry Park. There will be some vendors there also if you would like to go. Then maybe we can do a movie after that," Ben stated. Miranda smiled and nodded her head in agreement.

"So what are we eating? Should we get what we like or try new brunch options and share?" Ben asked.

"Hmmm usually I like to stick with what I like but for the sake of being spontaneous we can try new things and share."

Ben ordered the Waffles and Crepes special while Miranda ordered the deluxe brunch meal. Ben looked at Miranda with a smile on his face as she stared back at him which made him blush.

"Ben Warren are you blushing?" Miranda teased.

"Okay, yeah I am. I'm so glad to be here with you and to spend time with my friend," Ben said as he held her hands in his.

"Im glad to be here too. It was all that I could think about all week long. Since  you scheduled your surgeries opposite of mine I don't get to see you as usual."

"Well that can be easily fixed this coming week and we can go back to hanging in your lab."

"Yeah and we can do more things like this when I can find the time."

When their food came they both moaned in unison at how good the food looked. Miranda thought her food looked delicious but she really wanted to try Ben's crepes.
Ben began to cut his crepes and looked up to see Miranda watching him cut into his crepes and he chuckled.

"Miranda would you like to have the first taste? You can tell me if they're good or not."

Miranda gasped and looked at him with a smirk on her face as he held his fork out so that she could taste. Ben watched as her mouth opened and closed around the fork and he cleared his throat to keep dirty thoughts away. Miranda licked her lips,  moaned and smiled.

"Hmmm they're delicious Ben, I should've ordered those," Miranda said.

Ben looked at her as he cut into the crepe again and tasted them himself. His eyes got wide when he realized they really were delicious.

"This is going to have to be our breakfast spot from now on Miranda."

"I completely agree."

They finished their food and Ben paid. They got in their separate cars and drove to Kerry park. Ben found a parking spot first then walked over to where Miranda parked, opened the car door and helped her get out. Miranda blushed and smiled as Ben helped her out of the car.

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