My Body Needs It

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Miranda was now six months pregnant with their baby girl and her hormones were raging. She wanted to be made love to so badly but Ben was still on this "let's just be friends" train. She did appreciate the friendship they were building because it was stronger than before. But she really missed and needed to be touched sexually. But when Ben wanted to be stubborn he was very stubborn. Miranda was standing in the shower massaging her breast and remembering all the times that she and Ben made love. Miranda got out of the shower, dried off and moisturized her body.

"Ugh baby girl, these extra hormones you are giving me is driving me crazy," Miranda voiced out loud as she crossed her legs together tightly.

Miranda went into her nightstand drawer and grabbed the vibrating dildo that she hadn't used in a very long time. She wanted to let it charge a little bit so she put on a night gown and found a snack to eat. When Miranda felt that she couldn't take the throbbing her clit was doing anymore she hurried back to her bedroom. Miranda made herself comfortable against her headboard. She was already very wet so she didn't need any extra lubricants. She turned it on used the tip to rub her clit. Miranda moaned loudly as the vibration and rubbing was already about to bring her to the climax she desperately needed. Miranda rubbed her clit vigorously as she felt the pressure building up quickly and she was racing to an orgasm.

"Ahhhh fuck," Miranda shouted before  biting her bottom lip and squealing as she came within a minute.

She wanted to be penetrated and her favorite position was when she would ride Ben. Miranda got up and grabbed her hand mirror. The dildo had a suction piece so she stuck it to the mirror and put it the middle of the bed. Miranda placed two pillows in front of her so she could lean down on them. She lowered herself onto her toy and slowly began bouncing up and down.

"Gosh I wish this was Benjamin, but this will have to do right now," Miranda said to herself as she worked her hips faster.

Ben got off the elevator coming home from work. But he had stopped at the store before coming home. Every since they found out that their baby was a girl, he simply couldn't resist the urge to go buy something for her. He never thought that he would be the type of dad that would like shopping but he always wanted a little girl. Ben knew that Miranda would probably be mad that he went shopping without telling her but he wanted to show her all the cute things he'd bought. Ben walked pass his apartment and down to Miranda's place. He used his key to open the door and he sat his stuff then took his shoes off.

He was surprised at how much he was enjoying them just cultivating their friendship, but he did miss their romantic relationship. He just couldn't let go of the fact that he helped her cheat, no matter how much the relationship wasn't right for her. Ben went into the nursery and laid everything out before going to Miranda's bedroom to get her and show her the stuff he bought.

Miranda had her eyes closed as she thought about the way she and Ben use to make love. She was creaming and squirting all over her toy.

"Ahhh, Ahhh Benjaminnn," Miranda moaned.

Ben opened the bedroom door and gasped seeing Miranda riding a fake penis.  His mouth watered seeing her large, round ass jiggling as she rode it. Ben snapped out of it when he realized he was just standing there.

"Miranda!" Ben spoke.

Miranda was so zoned out and focused on reaching her climax that she didn't hear Ben calling her name.

"MIRANDA!" Ben said louder making Miranda jump.

Miranda groaned getting upset because he made her lose her pace. "Miranda what are you doing?" Ben said with a shocked look on his face.

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