New Feelings

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Miranda sat in her office smiling as she looked at her phone. She and Ben had been texting each other silly memes to each other since they shared their numbers with one another. Miranda felt happy because it was the first time she'd had a close friend since Callie moved away.

Her co workers had naturally become her family and Dr. Webber was her mentor and friend but this friendship with Ben had a different dynamic. He made her laugh, he was constantly complimenting and encouraging her. She felt she could talk to him about anything and he understood her. He had no problem telling her everything, including somethings she just didn't want to know.

Miranda giggled and shook her head thinking about bad sushi he ate a couple of days ago. He insisted on giving her a play by play of what was happening to him when he was on the toilet or throwing up.  She felt bad for him and wished that she could've went over to his place to help him.  But she had already made it home when he told her. She knew there was no way to tell her husband she was leaving home to go help another man'a house to help him because he had food poisoning. So she just ordered him water, Gatorade and Pepto-Bismol and had it sent it to his apartment.

When lunch time came Miranda sat in the cafeteria alone. She and Ben had eaten lunch together almost everyday for the past month and a half. Even Dr. Webber noticed and asked her when did she start making new friends so easily. She didn't understand either.  For some reason Ben made her like him and it just came natural to them.

Miranda at first wad afraid to admit it to herself but she missed him even though he'd only been out sick for two days now. So much so that when he went a few hours without answering her text, she called and FaceTimed him until he answered. 

Ben was laying in bed wrapped up in a blanket when he answered the FaceTime. Miranda let out a sigh of relief when she saw his face but he looked tired and his skin was slightly pale.

"Benjamin Warren it's been four, almost five hours since you've answered my text message," Miranda scolded.

Ben cleared his throat and adjusted his
head on the pillow before smiling slightly.

"Miranda Bailey....constantly vomiting and dealing with diarrhea has left me unable to sleep. This was the first time in two days that I've been able to actually sleep," Ben explained.

"Oh....well I hadn't heard from you so I just wanted to make sure you were okay," Miranda replied softly.

"I'm making it....feeling cold though," Ben said pulling the blanket to his neck.

"You're cold? But I see sweat beads on your forehead. You know what....I'm coming over," Miranda said as she began to log out of her computer.

"No Miranda, you're in the lab. You have more important work to do than to come sit and watch me deal with this bacteria working it's way through my body. And you hate when people vomit," Ben said trying to convince her not to come.

"I've been in my lab all day. I can take the rest of the day off to help you. And based on the look of your skin, and how chapped your lips are you're dehydrated. That means you haven't been drinking the water and Gatorade I sent."

"I haven't been able to keep it down. Please Miranda you don't have to come," Ben insisted.

But Miranda had a determined look on her face so he knew he couldn't stop her. "I'm coming over there Benjamin," she said before hanging up.

She went back to her office and changed then she got a saline IV kit to take with her and walked to her car. She looked at their text thread to find his address, put it in the gps and drove there.

Miranda made it to Ben's apartment building and took the elevator up to his floor. She knocked on the door and anxiously waited for him to answer. Her fingers were tingling with nerves and excitement, she just wanted to see him. Ben finally opened the door and smiled seeing Miranda, he honestly missed seeing her in person the past two days. Miranda smirked as she walked past him into his apartment.

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