Let's Be Friends

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Miranda made it home by 8pm and she sat her purse in on the foyer table. She walked towards the kitchen and saw Tucker waiting and drinking a beer. Miranda walked in smiling as she looked at the plate food covered and waiting for her on the kitchen island.

"Good evening Tucker Jones," Miranda said cheerfully as she washed and dried her hands.

"Good evening Miranda, glad to see you home earlier than I expected," Tucker chuckled.

Miranda walked back around the counter and sat down in front of the plate. As Miranda unwrapped the plate it smelled so good and she looked up at Tucker smiling as he watched her while sipping his beer.

Miranda looked at the steak, broccoli with cheese, loaded mash potatoes and dinner roll. Her mouth watered as she realized she hadn't eaten much all day. Tucker got up to get her something to drink. Miranda said a quick prayer over the food before eating. She smiled as she chewed her food.

"How was your first day as a full time surgeon?"

"It went well, I spent the morning doing surgery and then I spent the rest of my day in the lab. It was a good day," Miranda beamed.

"I can tell because I haven't seen a smile on your face like that in a long time. You really take pleasure in being a surgeon and a scientist," Tucker said in realization.

"I do....I really do," Miranda smiled.

"So are we switching roles? Where I am home and do the cooking and cleaning?" Tucker asked.

Miranda looked up at him not liking where this conversation was going because she already knew her husband's views on gender roles. He was a man that believed in traditional gender roles which she didn't understand because she was never traditional even though she sacrificed for him.

"I mean why does there have to be roles? Why can't it be that whoever is home gets things done?" Miranda questioned softly.

"Uhhh I just believe in traditional gender roles. And I already know what it's like to be a stay at home dad. I took a whole year of leave because you wouldn't."

"Tucker that was 19 years ago and I didn't ask you to do that. Listen, I sacrificed and put my career on the back burner because you wanted me to be a stay at home mom and wife—

"But you weren't completely a stay at home mom and wife, you still worked," Tucker refuted.

"But I sat aside my true ambitions so that I could give you that. Our son is grown and off in college now and you don't need me waiting on you hand and foot. It's time for me to go after the things I wanted for myself years ago," Miranda stressed.

Tucker just sat there with disappointment on his face.

"What is it Tucker? What do you want from me? Why is it so damn important to you, as if I can't be a good wife unless I'm at home in the kitchen?" Miranda questioned with annoyance in her voice.

"Why can't just being my wife be enough for you?"

"Because before I was ever your wife I knew what I wanted for my life. And only being a wife and mother wasn't it. I love you and I love our son, but I have to live for me....not you or Tuck," Miranda explained.

Tucker continued to sip on his beer and Miranda quickly finished her food then got up to clean the plate.

"Thanks for the dinner," Miranda spoke softly before heading to their bedroom.

Miranda stood in the shower letting the water hit her back and she arched it feeling it roll down her booty and back of her thighs. After she felt her back crack she relaxed and dropped her head.

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