Just To Get You

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Miranda stood outside on their private patio looking out at the ocean. Ben came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her and she relaxed in his arms.

"Okay you were right, this needed to just be our vacation and not a family vacation," Miranda admitted.

"My wife said I was right....you are getting your pussy ate over there," Ben said pointing to the outdoor couch.

"And that big bench in front of the bed is where I plan to let you ride my dick until you're satisfied," Ben spoke and Miranda giggled.

"Can we shower first please?" Miranda asked as she walked away from Ben.

He followed her to the serene, outside shower and held her against the shower wall as she turned on the water. He kissed her lips softly as he ran his hand between her legs and touched her clit effortlessly. Miranda shivered at his touch and her juices began flowing it onto his fingers as he rubbed her pussy with firm pressure. Miranda moaned into his ear as he kissed and sucked on her neck. His intentions were to pleasure her and he wanted to make that known. He slipped two of his thick fingers into her pussy then used his thumb to rub her clit back and forth. Miranda gasped and bit into his shoulder making him groan.

Ben slowly thrusted his fingers into her pussy and rubbed her clit at a steady pace as he kissed and sucked on her neck. Miranda gasped and moaned as Ben pleasured her and she continuously lifted her leg so that he could have better access. He finally held her leg up as he back up some so he could look straight into her eyes. Ben began thrusting his fingers inside of her faster as he watched her facial expressions and bit down on his bottom lip.

"Ben I'm cumming," Miranda squealed as she held onto him tightly and her body shook.

Ben groaned as he felt her squeeze his fingers tight and when she came he kissed her lips hungrily.

Once they were out of the shower. Miranda was laid back on the edge of the bed while Ben was sitting on the bench facing the bed. He had her legs pushed up toward her chest and he was slowly feasting on her pussy. Ben watched as Miranda rubbed her nipples and squeezed her own breast while moaning sweetly.

He dipped his tongue as deep into her pussy as he could get it making Miranda cry out in pleasure. He began fucking her with his tongue faster while rubbing her clit and Miranda moaned loudly as she rubbed his head. Miranda screamed as she began squirting into Ben's mouth and all over his face. Ben didn't relent and drank it all up as he kept eating her out.

"Benn," Miranda whined as she tried to push him away.

"Cum on my tongue one more time baby," Ben asked sweetly as he reached up and grabbed her breast. Ben rubbed her nipples simultaneously as he sucked her clit like it was a piece of candy. And he dipped his tongue in her pussy once more like he was thirsty for water.

"Ben baby I'm cumming again." Miranda yelled as she came hard and then her body went limp.

Ben licked and slurped gently as if he was finishing a good plate of food. "Ben okaayyy," Miranda whined and jump at each lick he gave her sensitive clit.

"I can't help it Miranda, you just taste so good to me," he shared as he kissed her clit.

Ben got up and wiped his chin with a towel before getting on the bed and staring into Miranda's eyes. Miranda was breathing hard and her eyes were closed as Ben gripped his penis and rubbed his tip between her folds. Miranda whimpered and began rolling her hips and she was instantly wet all over again. Ben was enjoying the sloshing sounds that were made from him rubbing his dick on her wet pussy but Miranda was growing horny and impatient.

"Ben please put it inside of me," Miranda pleaded.

Ben loved hearing Miranda want him so he obliged. He slowly guided his long, thick penis inside of her until he was all the way in and he pushed her legs to her chest. Ben gave her short and deep strokes but quickly started giving her long, deep strokes. Miranda rubbed her nipples as Ben put his weight on her thighs and thrusted deep inside of her. One thing Ben had always been amazing at among so many other things was keeping eye contact when they made love. It made the love making feel more intimate and she felt connected to him. When she looked into his eyes she could always see exactly how he was feeling. They told the truth and he was so happy to be making love to her. She loved how much her husband desired and craved her body. These thoughts culminated into an intense orgasm that made Miranda close her legs as her body shook. Ben groaned as he continued to thrust into her tight pussy. Because she was cumming, with each thrust her walls were squeezing his dick. Moments later he was cumming as well and he opened her legs and laid on top of her. They were chest to chest as he thrusted into her slowly as he kissed and sucked on her neck.

Miranda held his head as she smiled, "this was so good Benjamin. Definitely glad we left baby girl home because we wouldn't be able to do this."

"I'm glad I could convince you because I really needed to make love to you," Ben said as he caressed her breast.

They laid there listening to the wind blow and the ocean crashing against the shore. "Ben do you ever regret us?"

Ben scrunched up his face, "No, absolutely not! Why would you ask that Miranda?"

"Because of the way we came together. I still think about the fact that I cheated and I pray for forgiveness every time. But if I hadn't we wouldn't be and we wouldn't have our baby. And I can't imagine life without you or our daughter."

"I never thought I would be a part of an affair. But it makes my body ache thinking about you being in a marriage that wasn't fulfilling and me still not knowing what true love is. So no I don't regret any of it. I would be your secret lover over and over again if it meant getting to this moment with you," Ben said making their forehead rich before kissing her lips.

"I love you," Miranda said softly.

"I love you too," Ben replied.

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