Made You Mine

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Miranda was eating a piece of bacon and pacing back and forth as she looked over her presentation notes. She could use the notes during her session but she wanted to remember most of it so that she could focus on the audience.

"Miranda you have got this baby so stop pacing back and forth," Ben said putting his plate down and getting up from the bed to stop her.

He pulled her over to the bed and sat her on his lap. "You already know the material like the back of your hand because you know the research that you did. All you have to do is look at your PowerPoint and you will remember what you need to speak on specifically," Ben told her.

Miranda just looked at him loving how much he encouraged her so she kissed him.

"Thank you for the pep talk Benjamin," Miranda said smiling.

"I have something else that I can do to get you ready for the presentation," Ben said with his eyebrow raised and a smile on his face.

Ben took Miranda's hand and they walked into the living room area. Miranda sat down and Ben kneeled down in front of her while opening her robe. Ben quickly parted her folds and started licking her clit. Miranda gasped and moaned in pleasure, not sure she could ever get use to the amount of pleasure Ben gave her.

"You are Miranda Bailey and you are incredibly competent," Ben said as he slowly licked her clit.

Miranda threw her head back and held onto the couch pillows trying her best not to cum already but Ben knew how to pull it out of her.

"Your presentation will be amazing and your fellow physicians will love it. And it will garner you so many opportunities because you are brilliant," Ben said

Ben thrusted his tongue into her vagina while rubbing her clit. He could tell she was fighting not to cum because her walls were spasming. Ben flattened his tongue and licked her clit in an up and down motion as he fingered her and pressed on her g-spot.

"Bennn, oohhhh, aahhhh, okay I'm about cum," Miranda squealed as she closed eyes and her orgasm rushed through her.

Ben stood up and they looked at each other with all the love and lust they'd been feeling for a long time.

"We have to go shower so you can get ready to go," Ben said.

"Nooo I want some more," Miranda whined as she touched his dick.

Ben growled, loving how hungry she was for him. "We can't baby or you're going to be late. But we can celebrate how well it goes later," Ben said as he leaned down to kiss her. Miranda moaned as they kissed and she tasted herself. She was so ready for the day to be over with so they could come back to the room and make love again.

Miranda stood by the stage platform feeling excited but nervous all at the same time. She was excited to share her research on genome mapping and gene therapy. She looked out at the crowd of fellow physicians and immediately saw Ben sitting front and center. His verbal and physical pep talk was everything she needed to feel even more confident about the presentation.

One of the host introduced her and then she walked onto the platform. Miranda looked down at Ben smiling at her and he mouthed, "You've got this".

Miranda smiled and began her presentation. "I've been a surgeon for  twenty years or more now. So that means I absolutely love surgery. I love having the opportunity to cut people save a life of course."

The audience chuckled, "But over the years after having so many patients with diseases that we couldn't understand why they were suffering from them I took an interest in genome mapping. The field is far more advanced now and I take pride in being apart of the research and findings that we're making."

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