Time For Us

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Miranda sat in the airport nervous. She hadn't been without Mila since she was born. And she cried when she and Ben left her with his sister. Ben looked over and he could see the urge Miranda had to say forget their anniversary trip and just go back home.

"Miranda, Mila is going to be fine. She is three years old so we can call and talk to her when we have time."

"Why couldn't she just come with us and we make it a family trip Ben. I haven't been without my baby other than being at work since she was a baby, I don't like this."

"Because it's supposed to be an anniversary trip. I want to be able to kiss, touch you and make love to you without worrying about cute little ears and eyes possibly hearing and seeing things," Ben explained.

Miranda's furrowed eyebrows relaxed and sighed with understanding. "I'm excited to make love to you too Ben. I guess since we became parents and being hard working health professional, we haven't made much time for us."

"See, now you get it. And we get to use this week to rekindle all the passion and desire we have for each other."

Ben moved closer and he kissed her cheek as he began to whisper in her ear. "I get to do and say things that make you wet. Use my tongue and dick to make you scream my name and cum uncontrollably," Ben whispered making Miranda gasp and blush.

Miranda turned to look at him then kissed his lips softly. "Maybe we could do a little foreplay on the plane," Miranda said in a sexy tone.

"Ummm Miranda Bailey-Warren I like this idea. And you absolutely have to be quiet."

"And what makes you think I'm going to be the one making noise," Miranda said in a sassy tone and Ben gave her a knowing look.

Ben and Miranda boarded their flight in first class and got settled. Ben quickly asked for some blankets then closed the door so that fellow passengers couldn't see what he was about to do to his wife.

Lately Mila slept in their bed and neither he or Miranda had the strength to make her sleep in her own bed. So they hadn't been intimate consistently in weeks therefore he was excited for the game they were about to play and for all the sex they were going to have.

Ben put the blankets over Miranda and himself before nuzzling his nose into her face and neck, making her giggle. He began to kiss her neck and caress her breast which made Miranda release a low whimper.

"You're losing already," Ben whispered in her ear.

"I know but it's been so long. Can we play this game later and you just touch me please," Miranda asked.

"Okay but you still have to be quiet because we're on a plane," Ben replied kissing her neck and slipping his hand into her pants. Miranda gasped and grabbed his arm as she began to slow grind on his hand.

She threw her head back against the seat as she looked into Ben's eyes. She was begging him to finger her fast and deeply. It had only been a minute but Ben fingering her while rubbing her clit was making her cum already.

"Oh my gosh, Benn," Miranda moaned as she kissed him to keep from moaning loudly.

As she climaxed she quickly pulled Ben's manhood out of his Nike pants and began to stroke him. Ben bit his bottom lip and groaned at the touch of her hands on the tip of his dick.

She leaned down and sucked it just for a moment before looking in his face to see his expressions as she stroked him to his climax.

"Miranda, Miranda oh my gosh, damn," Ben said kinda of loud before cumming.

Miranda leaned down against and sucked all of his cum. Ben squirmed trying to get away from her touch because he was now sensitive to touch.

Miranda giggled and kissed Ben's lips and neck as he caught his breath and looked around. She had just stroked him until he climaxed and he got a little loud.

"Damn I told you not to get loud and you got me," Ben said.

"I told you that it wouldn't be me," Miranda teased.

"Just wait until I get you to our suite, I'm going to make you scream my name," Ben whispered in her ear making Miranda moan and bite her bottom lip.

*Hey ya'll just wanted to do a quick update, sorry it was so short. Thank you for reading. 🥰*

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