You and You

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Miranda stood in the kitchen stirring her coffee like she always did. She was standing there thinking about her last couple of weeks with Ben. Their Saturday together was great and felt even greater. Just being with him, seeing his smile, hearing his laugh, and feeling his body against hers when they touched or hugged. She couldn't stop thinking about the way he looked at her. Like he loved her and he saw her for who she is. Yes Tucker loved  her but he never looked at her that way and he definitely didn't see her.

Miranda was jolted out of her thoughts by the presence of her very tall husband towering over her. He stood close behind her with his arms wrapped around her and his hands placed on the counter.

"Good morning wife," Tucker whispered in her ear.

Miranda returned a smile, "Good morning Tucker Jones." He was in one of his better moods which she appreciated.

"I have a surprise that I want to share with you," Tucker said as he took his coffee cup.

Miranda looked at him with her eyebrow raised. "What kind of surprise would this be?" Miranda asked as Tucker led her over to the kitchen island to sit down.

"You know I've been working in accounting since we were young and I worked hard to become CFO of the company. And I got into investing several years back," Tucker explained and Miranda nodded her head knowing about his career and investing decisions.

"Well it's finally paying off and with the investments as well as the properties, I can go into an early retirement."

"That's amazing Tucker Jones, I know you've worked hard so you deserve it. Now you can focus on some of your hobbies."

"We have more money than we can spend so I was thinking that you should just retire too and we could travel together. We can spend more time together and fall back in love with each other."

Miranda's facial expression quickly changed. She was just getting back to working full time and she had her research to focus on. She wasn't interested in slowing down, she wanted to finally advance her career.

"Tucker....I don't want to argue with you. But you know that I don't want that. I love what I do and retiring isn't on my mind at all," Miranda said softly.

"Why can't you ever just—

Tucker stopped himself and Miranda leaned back in shock and just looked at him.

"What? Why can't I ever just do what you want me to do. Just be the good little wife that you want me to be. Don't ask any questions and don't make a fuss. Just do everything you say and act how you want me to act and everything will be okay," Miranda rambled with tears in her eyes.

"Miranda....that's not what I—

"Don't tell me that's not what you meant. That's exactly what you meant because that's how you act. You have never cared about what I wanted and needed but just this image of the wife you wanted me to be. I AM NOT HER!" Miranda yelled and stormed off.

Tucker just sat there feeling embarrassed by Miranda's outburst. She was right that he did have a vision for the way he wanted their life. And the main argument they had over the years was always about her career and ambition. He loved her but something inside of him just always had to have it the way he envisioned. It had to be the way he was raised and how he watched his parents be. But Miranda was nothing like that and she pushed back every step of the way.

Tucker got up and walked to their bedroom where he found Miranda getting ready for work. He stood there and watched her for a moment and the look on her face said that she was still seething.

"Miranda I'm sorry for pushing my desires for a certain life onto you. I know that's not you and I'm sorry but who wouldn't want that?"

Miranda just looked at him because he still didn't get it and he didn't get her. "I have to go to work," Miranda mumbled as she walked pass him to leave.

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