Giving In

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Miranda was so excited she couldn't stop being so giddy. She and Ben were going to ride to the airport together to go to the convention. She had a super early surgery then she was going home to grabbed her things.

She told Tucker about the convention a few weeks ago but of course she had to remind him and he wasn't very chipper about her going.When she told Tucker that she was leaving a day early he offered to come anyway so that they could have that day together but she told him it was just going to be for the speakers to prepare for the convention. She honestly was afraid to tell him that she was one of the speakers because then he would definitely want to come. That would ruin her chance of spending time with Ben like they planned which is why she was leaving a day early.

She liked that her husband was suddenly taking more interest in her but at the same time it was annoying. She wasn't use to him caring about her career and the things she cared about. And honestly it didn't feel natural. While Tucker had to work to take an interest, Ben was just naturally interested in her and cared. She felt that she shouldn't compare the two but she couldn't help it.

Miranda made it home and quickly started packing. She had ordered new clothes which made it easy to pack because she didn't have to think about what to wear. And she laid out everything she would need so she wouldn't forget anything. Ben wanted to pick her up from her house so she wouldn't have to leave her car at the hospital. But she thought it would be better if she just drove her car to the airport. Miranda sighed thinking about the conversation she had with Tucker. She was trying to be truthful with him to some degree.

"So let me get this straight, you think I'm supposed to be okay with you riding on the plane with another man who isn't me?" Tucker questioned in a loud voice.

"Don't yell at me Tucker Jones and he is just a colleague."

"Just a colleague my ass. He is probably trying to get close to you in hopes that you might be the type of woman that will give him some ass."

Miranda raised her eyebrows and folded her arms over her chest. "So you're saying that I'm just a piece of ass and that it's not possible for me to just be respected for the surgeon that I am," Miranda refuted.

"Yes you can but look at all the ass you have. I would try to slide my way in to get some so I know that's what he's doing," Tucker said.

Miranda just looked down in disbelief although she wasn't completely shocked by his response. "That may be the case but I have control over my body and what happens to it."

"Well so that somebody else has control as well I'm coming along."

"No, at this point I don't want you there. Because according to you I'm just a piece of ass to try and slide into," Miranda shot back as she walked away.

Miranda felt conflicted about lying to Tucker because Ben was definitely more than just a colleague. If they hadn't agreed to just act as friends they probably would have had sex by now. And even though Tucker was working hard to be better it just felt useless whenever she thought about Ben. She wanted more with him but that meant breaking Tucker's heart in the process. Miranda wasn't ready for that to happen yet.

Miranda didn't have to worry about introducing Ben to her husband because he decided to go to work today. Early retirement didn't seem to be his thing either so he worked when he wanted to. Miranda finished packing and pulled her suitcase to the foyer when the doorbell rang. Miranda quickly opened the door and there Ben stood grinning from ear to ear.

"Good morning gorgeous, you ready to catch this flight to New York?"

"I thought I was picking you up at the hospital?" Miranda asked confused.

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