Chapter- 15

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"You don't have to worry about any nuisances between us, I am here for that."  

Kyoko slowly opened his eyes and was greeted by a bright light in the room, the window was open and the curtains were fluttering. 

Seto must've opened it. He groaned and rolled down the bed, scraping some of the sheets along with it. He rubbed his eye as he walked towards the bathroom. Morning has just started and he is already tired. 

Two weeks have passed since the fateful encounter between Kyoko and Evan, but oddly ever since he had never seen him. He was curious but had refrained himself from asking about him to Arnold. The thing he remembers about him is that Arnold said: "You don't have to worry about any nuisances between us, I am here for that." 

Kyoko too never thought of questioning about it again, nor did he question why he now has a new assistant. But he knew that, even if Evan decided to show up again, he could fight for his love. 

With these thoughts in mind, he entered the kitchen, to help Seto prepare breakfast but only to see him setting up the table. "You already prepared breakfast?" His voice was still groggy. 

"You know the day, we need to hurry."  

Seto ushered him to sit down as he served the food. 

"Visiting hours don't start till 9, just relax."  

He reasoned with Seto. But the latter was not listening to any of it. He was overly excited to visit his mate in the hospital, he only gets to visit him once a week and to expect him not to be excited. Impossible.

"If you don't hurry, I am leaving you."  

With such a threat on the table, Kyoko had every reason to eat his breakfast in one big gulp and rush towards his room and be ready in the next 10 minutes. 

"I am ready! What are we waiting for?" Announcing, he stood in front of Seto with a proud smile. 

Seto chuckled and smacked his head, "well then." 


While they were waiting for visiting hours to open, Seto noticed that Kyoko was fidgeting a bit too much and always checking his phone for something. He tended to ignore it but after it had been going on for too long to his liking, he questioned Kyoko. 

"Is everything okay?" 

The latter looked startled. "Yeah, it is? W-why?" He hitched. 

"Because you are acting like a constipated person." 

"It's nothing." Kyoko reassured him. 

"If you say so." 

After a while, they opened the visiting hours and both of them went to Hirito's room. He was laying there peacefully, with his eyes closed. If only it was a normal sleep. Seto thought, as he walked towards the sleeping figure of his mate. 

It was a bitter-sweet moment for him. It always has been. A sense of relief surged inside him after seeing his mate breathing peacefully unknown to the outside world but it also hurt him as much to see how weak and helpless he had been closing his eyes for years. He missed their talks, fights and dates but he missed his mates smile the most. It was the world's brightest smile for Seto, how his cheeks would rise up and a little portion of it sank down forming two cute dimples. How the little mole located in between his lips and chin would dance up and down, whenever he talked. He missed all of those. 

"Wake up soon." He whispered, holding his hand and clasping it with his. 

*bzzt* *bzzt*
His thoughts were distracted when Kyoko's phone rang. The said boy stared at him mouthing: It's Arnold, I will be right back.
He nodded in understanding and Kyoko left the room. 

The door opened once again revealing a man in a white long coat, a stethoscope hung on his nape shoulder and a chart on  his hands. He was Ame's doctor. 

Seto greeted him and the doctor returned the gesture likewise. 

He was about to ask about Ame's condition but the doctor spoke first. 

"I have bad news and good news."

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