Chapter- 18

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"Kyoko, I am ready. Bring the comb fast!" 

"Yess...." I lazily trailed as I rummaged through my drawer. 

A month has gone by and Seto is handling his emotions pretty well. I am even shocked by how composed he is. The doctors even said Hirito's condition is getting more stable. I hope these 5 months pass soon. 

I stare at the comb on my hand, absentminded. Leisurely taking my time, I roam my eyes around the room and the clock on the side of my bed catches my attention. 6 O'clock! Shit! It's almost time for Arnold to come and pick us up. I hurriedly throw on my black suit and scurry out of the room. 

Seto was patiently waiting for me. He takes the comb and makes me sit down. I don't want to look like I just woke up and decided to wear a suit and go to the party. While I was unleashing my screaming in pain, Seto was nagging me but at least, it wasn't so bad.

The familiar sound of the car's honk resonated and I checked myself in the mirror one last time. "Okay! You look good. Let's go." Seto pulled me out of the door, I let out a sequel in the process. "Don't get handsy, I don't want to look like a mess." 

He rolled his eyes and commented on how dramatic I was being but I didn't want to embarrass Arnold, it was an important business meeting for him. 

Seto grasped my hand and pulled me out once again, but this time from the elevator. And, there he was, Arnold, writing for us, looking so dreamy. I didn't even realise how close I had walked to him until his golden-brown orbs became hot nearer and nearer and his hot breath was fanning over me. 

"You horny couple. Don't get started anywhere!" Seto remarked as he scrunched his face in disgust. 

"Shut up!" I cleared my throat and pulled away from Arnold. 

A low growl left his mouth as a retort, a habit I noticed of him whenever things went as he planned. But, his arms didn't leave my waist as he walked me to his car and pulled the door open but before I could enter... 

"You look beautiful." 

He kissed my forehead and I could feel myself melting at this point. These random gestures always get me weak. 

"I know you guys have to be all over each other at every chance you get but I have a place to be at," Seto whined and I hastily sat down. 

After dropping Seto at the hospital, Arnold drove towards the party venue and upon reaching there he parked the car. As always, he opened the door for me and placed a kiss on my forehead. I swear to god this man would be the death of me. 

"Let's go?" He held up his arm for me and I clutched into it and nodded my head. 

Let's hope this event goes without drama.

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