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-Hans's POV-

I was just an ordinary kid in this ordinary school in Texas. It was located at a new town called Budder City. I was kinda popular in the school. There were three groups of populars at school. One was my group, I help people instead of bullying. I believe that being nice was important. Another group was Team Crafted. They were famous youtubers and became popular because of that. The third group was the bullies. They bullied a lot of students and, of course, our group and sometimes Team Crafted. We fought against them, and it never worked.

This afternoon, the bullies tried to take Jason's and my textbooks. Jason was my best friend. I fought back and hit the lead bully, Tim. Another bully, Jack, pulled me to a corner in the school where no one could see. He started to beat me up. He hit me in the stomach, and a streak of pain struck through me. I felt something was going to get out inside my body. And before I knew, I punched Jack, and he literally flew. He landed 10 meters away. I was shocked. I looked at my hand, and it looked like a claw, with fire surrounding it. I was looking at Jack, and he rushed at me. I launched a fireball from my palm, and knocked him unconscious. I took out my phone to look at my own appearance. I had giant, fiery and feathery wings on my back. My hands looked like claws. I could launch fireballs and spray fire. I transformed back to normal shortly after.

What was that?

A few days later, I saw Sky on the street, holding a diamond sword. His eyes were glowing, like Herobrine. Then, he started slaughtering innocent people around! What was he doing? I felt that thing again. I transformed again, and blocked Sky's path. "What do you think you are doing? Wake up, Sky!" I shouted. Then, his eyes went back to normal. His sword disappeared.

"What... just happened? Why is so many people dead all around?" He asked. He seemed to know totally nothing about the thing just happened. "You killed them!" I answered.

"It...might be him." Sky said.

"Who?" I asked.

He gulped and said, "H...Herobrine. I am actually a Herobrine hybrid."

I was surprised. "A hybrid?" I said.

"A human that has some kind of matter within them that gives them power sometimes. And speaking of hybrids, I think you are one too."

So, I am a hybrid? Well that makes sense. "You are a Herobrine hybrid, then what hybrid am I?" I asked Sky.

Sky answered, "Team Crafted did some research of what hybrids could people be. According to my knowledge, you are a Phoenix hybrid. Follow me. I am gonna bring you to our hybrid research lab."

Well, that was awesome! "Sure!" I answered, and followed Sky to the lab.

(A/N We will meet Ty, Jason, and Martin in the next chapter!)

The Life of a Hybrid (a Skybrine, Enderlox, and other Hybrids fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now